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What is that one book you'd always recommend someone reads?

Recommend that absolute favorite or most insightful book you've ever read.
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Alcoholics Anonymous - first 164 pages.
MightyAngel · 26-30, F
@SW-User Interesting, will check it out. Who is the author?
CantExplain · 61-69, M
@MightyAngel It was written in the 1930’s by a group of recovering alcoholics. Two of them were Bill W. and Dr. Bob. The first 164 pages describes the 12 Steps of recovery
@MightyAngel as @CantExplain says the early members of AA (before it was really called that) Bill W is recognised as the main author.

I recommended to anyone - if you're not an alcoholic/addict you'll learn something about addiction I'm sure.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
Catch 22
Animal Farm
The Handmaids Tale
Fight Club
@SumKindaMunster All excellent. I just reread Animal Farm. It just gets better.
MightyAngel · 26-30, F
@SumKindaMunster Animal Farm was very thought-provoking. Trying out The Handmaid's Tale series.
@MightyAngel A good deal of The Clan of the Cave Bear deals with very similar concepts in a much different (or not different) context.

Clan absolutely rocked me. The series devolved for me into a sort of Paris Hilton Does Neanderthals thing.
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
The Plague, Albert Camus

replaced "Island" by Aldous Huxley just recently.
the tao of pooh.
Two, at least.

East of Eden, John Steinbeck, and The Clan of the Cave Bear, Jean Auel.
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MightyAngel · 26-30, F
@vss1234 I admit I still haven't read any Harry Potter books. Will definitely consider it.

I do agree it's hard to come down to just one book- but there should be one that has left a more lingering impact than others.
Brandon101 · 26-30, M
The curious incident of the dog the night time
Rambler · 61-69, M
A very hard question..there are so many books, and people are so different. I will say that most of what I know about life can be learned in the complete Winnie-the-Pooh. (with the original drawings)
Casheyane · 31-35, F
Where Rainbows End. I really like this one. It's not insightful per se but the narration is fun and so not boring. And it's about waiting and missing chances and more waiting. But it's worth it. :)
CantExplain · 61-69, M
A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopoldo who set in motion the ecological management of wildlife. He says he cannot do without the sound of geese flying overhead (as do I)
HeWaits · 56-60, F
“Killer Angels” if you really want to know what the Civil War was all about encapsulated in just the battle of Gettysburg.

“A World Lit Only by Fire” by William Manchester. How the dark age became the renaissance
@HeWaits The Manchester book was really powerful.

Lets not go back to the dark ages again....
Straylight · 31-35, F
The Necronomicon, by Abdul Al Hazred.
Babaji · 80-89, M
"Play of Consciousness"
By Swami Muktananda
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Dr Seuss' The Cat in The Hat

The Monk who sold his Ferrari

The Secret
eli1601 · 70-79, M
The Stand - Stephen King
Casheyane · 31-35, F
Humiliated and Insulted by Fydor Dostoyevsky
@SW-User i don't read 🙄
@SW-User I know 😌
@SW-User slut
The Fire Next Time, by James Baldwin.
MightyAngel · 26-30, F
@bijouxbroussard Just read the synopsis. Added to my list!

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