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4meAndyou · F
I can relate. After I left the ex, I endured almost two years where I couldn't read at all. I'd be sitting in a doctor's office, waiting for an appointment, pick up a magazine, and I'd find myself reading the same paragraph over and over again trying to understand what I was reading. I had lost my ability to focus.
I came out of it, but it took a long time. I missed reading like crazy! Still happens to me now if I am exhausted, or just very stressed out.
I came out of it, but it took a long time. I missed reading like crazy! Still happens to me now if I am exhausted, or just very stressed out.
Beautyinbroken · 36-40, F
Oh no i get obsessed when i start a new book
DrWatson · 70-79, M
That happens to me late at night.
Although "late" seems to be happening earlier and earlier these days!
Although "late" seems to be happening earlier and earlier these days!
Adrift · 61-69, F
This reminds me of the novels we had to read in highschool.
I could not get into it.
I could not get into it.
Sylphrena · 31-35
Ugh, me with my current book. I might have to move on to other things cus it's just not capturing me right now.
slorollin · 41-45, M
I do this alot. Itll take me a month to read a book sometimes 🤣
Just returned an ebook for that reason. Wasn’t grabbing me.
At least you're still identifying words.