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Do you hate reading books?

Preparing for this post I came across this opinion piece:

Disagreeing with James Joyce, the author suggests reading books you don't want to!

I used to read erryday… I didn’t care what it was.. then I got a smart ph..
haven’t read one since
MasterofNone · 26-30, M
Depends what life is about. If life is about experiencing different things and growing as a result, then we should try to read books that are different from our beliefs or different from the type we usually read. But if life is about enjoyment, then what's the point doing something you don't like? Either way, reading a badly written book which is what I understand by a bad book is a waste of time.

P.S. of course I did not check that link 😅

Life is about both of your main points. But I'll probably still not read anything longer than a short pamphlet (or the instructions on a microwave entree) LOL
I love to read..
@rinkydinkydoink That’s great. Also remember there is joy in browsing a bookstore whether it’s in person or online. Look around for something you are very interested in. And before you know it you will be able to read above and beyond! 😃

Thanks for reminding me about another book or two I need to get - - on baseball. Bill James' Baseball Abstract (if he still writes them).

@rinkydinkydoink Very welcome my dear. 😍
Well of course HE said that--look at how vast HIS are.

And you could read 3 sets of encyclopædias in the same time you could actually read and understand Finnegan's Wake...

The worst drivel ever. Why that guy is considered a genius I'll never know.
Had to read A Portrait... Artist... Young Man in grade 10. It was unfathomable.
@rinkydinkydoink I wonder if he was doing drugs at the time.

Good point.
Waldorf · 80-89, M
Don't start with Joyce. Choose something else. I go for titles, but Wittgenstein's Poker was what I expected.

I must confess I rarely read articles on any subject let alone books of any length. I bookmarked the Wikipedia piece on Wittgenstein's Poker. THAT book looks very interesting.
Aysel · F
I read a lot of Ovid.

Have you ever read an art appreciation concerning ancient art and what the gestures and positioning of the subjects mean?
Aysel · F

I took such a course as a first year option. The theme was how the phrase "I may not know art but I know what I like" needs to be reconsidered.
Lol…… why would I want to read books I hate? 🤔

I didn't read the article!
@rinkydinkydoink Lol….. nice! 🤣
I agree with him because not every book that’s been written has been a worthwhile read

Mein Kampf
Book by Adolf Hitler , for a darkly narrative example

I mean .. yeah lol 💀
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