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Which version of King Lear do you like best?

The one where both Lear and Cordelia die, and Edgar takes the throne? The one where both Lear and Cordelia survive, Lear retakes the throne and Cordelia marries Edgar? Or the one where Lear dies but Cordelia survives, marries Edgar, and Albany takes the throne?
KiwiDan · 31-35, M Best Comment
The one where Julius Caesar fights Richard III and then Titus Andronicus and Othello murder Hamlet.

I like Cordelia to live.Edgar is,not deserving of her, or her him but if I has to be that way.
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@Elandra77 I also like for Cordelia to live. Edgar was based, but his antics as a madman resulted in his father's death, albeit unintentionally.
Always been more of a Hamlet guy.
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@inflatablebimbo King Lear, by William Shakespeare. There's three different endings.
@inflatablebimbo Shakespeare, King Lear. He wanted to abdicate his throne. Had three daughters.
inflatablebimbo · 31-35, F
@BlueMetalChick @SW-User got it, lol, I think
I like the Jean-Luc Godard version.
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BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@CrustyDDingus It's the story of an elderly king of England named Lear who wishes to retire, and so he divides up his land among his three daughters. However, when the youngest, Cordelia, refuses to proclaim eternal and undying love for him, he disowns her, and gives his land only to the other two.

Two men were going to marry Cordelia, those being the duke of Burgundy and the king of France. Burgundy withdraws his offer for marriage because Lear has disowned her, but France is so impressed with her honesty and conviction that he brings her to his country and treats her properly.

Lear's other two daughters, the eldest Goneril and the middle child Regan, along with their respective husbands the duke of Cornwall and the duke of Albany, treat Lear like garbage now that they have his land. The earl of Gloucester has an illegitimate son named Edmund, who comes back to England and starts causing trouble when both Goneril and Regan find him attractive and want to marry him.

Gloucester gets into a fight with the sisters' courier, Oswald, so Goneril and Cornwall gouge out his eyes. A nameless servant becomes enraged at this action and kills Cornwall. Goneril thinks this is a blessing in disguise because she is now a widow and can marry Edmund.

Albany grows a conscience and starts to resent the sisters for being such terrible people. Regan thinks he's a coward and wants to marry Edmund instead. However, Gloucester's legitimate son, Edgar, comes back into the picture and disguises himself as a crazy person named "Tom O'Bedlam." He saves his father from committing suicide and plans to confront the sisters.

The English army captures Lear and Cordelia, and sentences them to be executed. Goneril poisons Regan to stop her from marrying Edmund because she wants to marry him herself. Edgar challenges Edmund to a sword fight and wins. Goneril's betrayal is revealed so she commits suicide. Edmund has a change of heart as he lays dying from Edgar having stabbed him, and orders Lear and Cordelia not to be killed.

There's three endings. In the first, Edmund is too late. Cordelia is beheaded, and Lear flies into a rage at seeing his daughter killed. He murders the executioner, escapes with Cordelia's body, and enters the scene holding her. He dies of grief and shock after expressing how disgusted he is with himself and everyone else. Edgar them becomes king of England, or in some writings Albany does.

A second ending sees Edmund's order in time, and Lear survives, regains the throne as king of England, and Cordelia also survives and marries Edgar. Albany becomes Lear's most trusted advisor.

A third ending sees Lear executed but Cordelia survives and she marries Edgar. Albany becomes king of England.
CrustyDDingus · 36-40, M
@BlueMetalChick now how'd you reply to a comment I deleted 🤨
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@CrustyDDingus I replied to that comment shortly after you posted it. It was still visible when I hit reply and typed that out. I didn't know you deleted it until just now when you replied.

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