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What does this quote mean?

The bonds between ourselves and another person exists only in our minds. Memory as it grows fainter loosens them, and notwithstanding the illusion by which we want to be duped and which, out of love, friendship, politeness, deference, duty, we dupe other people, we exist alone. Man is the creature who cannot escape from himself, who knows other people only in himself, and when he asserts the contrary, he is lying.
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Life is an illusion. We live alone and die alone.
PhiloVance · 41-45, M
sounds like something Sartre would write, dolefully existentialist.
4meAndyou · F
The quote is saying that when men tell themselves that no man is an island, they are deluding themselves.
everyone's an island. anything you feel for someone is all in your mind, anything you think they feel for you is an illusion that you let settle over you. at the end of the day, everyone's alone (and no one has a real friend, as pink floyd might observe)
english · 56-60, M
basically its saying ,you exist in anothers mind thats as real as it will get for the man in his mind,if he believes otherwise he is lying to himself,i think it was spinosa who said i think i am there for i am.
PhiloVance · 41-45, M
@english Descartes: "Cogito, ergo sum"
english · 56-60, M
@PhiloVance yes cheers for letting me know, it, who wrote the quote ?🙃
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
it means most of the relationships we make are fairly tenuous.
We call people 'friend' but much of the time that word is a platitude rather than anything meaningful.
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
HunneyZ he DatinGz OtheRZ GuRLz
TimEZ u GoTZ Over ITz
eMortal · M
It's true that our love stays strong when the memories the relationship are vivid.
TheConstantGardener · 56-60, M
I don't know the context of your quote but it maybe referring to existential nihilism.
Lewis · M
Amongst the largest of crowds there is only ourselves
It means we live in a holographic universe

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