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Jericho · 46-50, M
Get the book The Power of Now by Eckharte Tolle.

BE in this moment called NOW.
All lies in it.

And that is what matters above all. Past is gone, Present is our own and future is unknown. So, put your efforts which means concrete actions and not just thoughts in this - Now!
Mindful · 56-60, F
@sspec beautifully said. :-)
@Mindful 👍️
Mindful · 56-60, F
You have to have a thought prepared to replace that thought. Something like we are all just a grain of sand. What is in front of me right now is all that exists. Or an extremely simple thought that’s makes you laugh with greatest joy - a moment from your past. Like the time my mom couldn’t stop laughing, so everyone started laughing but we didn’t even en la know what we were laughing about. So pick your replace thought. And meditate on it, and meditate on how you plan to use it as your go-to thought.

That helps me de-stress. People call this their “happy place”. It works.
GerOttman · 61-69, M
I wanted to give you a good answer to this but then I realized that I don't know you at all or anything about you and I can't begin to form a valid opinion without gathering a lot more information, such as what sort of things do you overthink and how long to you think about them before you decide to act and is this something you learned from a childhood role model or was is more picked up along the way due to personal experience??? I'll get back to you...
Madhatter · 31-35, M
Afraid not. Only the assurance that overthinking is preferable to underthinking.
MasterofNone · 26-30, M
Rookie advice: Don't stay indoors.
Heretodaygonetomorrow · 26-30, F
@MasterofNone good idea!! :)
MasterofNone · 26-30, M
@Heretodaygonetomorrow .(:
Although when you feel a little more fresh and free, @Jericho gives the ultimate advice so consider that.
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gummybears · F
Think about it
By remembering that you’ll die someday so it doesn’t really matter
Quicksilver87 · 26-30, M
Don't think.

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