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I am curious to what is your favorite genre in Books

I want to know what is your favored area? A few years ago I found in a library "Clan Of The Cave Bear" by Jean M. Auel. A brief historic view on the creation of Cro-Magdom Man, and their survival.
EXELENT! Suggest to me a favorite author.
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Robert · 70-79, M
I have many genres on my shelves. The biggest section is SF/Fantasy going back to 1900 and up to present day. Mostly paperbacks (EE Doc smith, John Wyndham, Heinlein, Clarke, Asimov etc, but also hardbacks from Anne MCaffrey & Terry Pratchett (of which all 1st editions, some signed. Some reference, biography, and a smattering of many others
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
SciFi/Fantasy. Todd or Anne McCaffrey (mother/son)

BTW I Read that decades ago. Kind of found it boring if I remember correctly.
Robert · 70-79, M
@DeWayfarer I met Anne McCaffrey at a signing. Looks like Todd has not published for a while.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@Robert Yes, I have noticed. Would be nice if he would continue something other than the pern series. Acornia or Tower and hive series would be nice.
Carla1951 · 70-79, F
Peanut, I find it difficult to start a new or different read when I am still working with 'The One' Off the Top of my head I cannot recall the Author, However you might find interest in those by Jean M. Auel. She DARES the reader to take baby steps back in time before the Earths Creation. I am certain you will love her first.
PeanutsauntieP1982 · 41-45, F
@Carla1951 I first read CotCB when I was 9, my dad rented the movie, which was terrible, and he noticed that I liked the story idea, the movie was boring me to tears. So, he told me he had the books, and he never got his books back! I have a copy of Clan of the Cave Bear staring at me from my bookshelf.
Carla1951 · 70-79, F
Interesting. I never knew Cave Bear was a Film.Still I had a difficult time learning she was raped by her brother.
I hear there are others that write in the same hand.
As a child I read every single 'Nancy Drew' my hands could touch.
4meAndyou · F
I love ficiton, especially mysteries. You might enjoy Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child...they sometimes write novels together. Douglas Preston wrote one called Tyrannosaur Canyon that I enjoyed. Tony Hillerman writes some very interesting murder mysteries that all occur on the Navajo Indian reservation. It's a very interesting insight into Navajo customs and how they meet the modern world.
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
I am all over the map but I guess I like science fiction the most.
chrisCA · M
Historic fiction.
Bill Bryson
Alfred hitchcok and the three investigators
@4thdimensiondream well.. actually he only write the introduction as far as i know but i enjoy the series when i was a kid
4thdimensiondream · 61-69, M
Yes I googled and saw a bunch of “Presents” books. Thanks!
Carla1951 · 70-79, F
@4thdimensiondream Same here. I assumed he was a producer. I believe Hitchcock was reported by a few actresses of his bad habits in GROPING the women.
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@addicted it 😨😨😨
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SatanBurger · 36-40, F
I like older science fiction. Stanislaw Lem was pretty great.

I also like satire in all categories.
PeanutsauntieP1982 · 41-45, F
I LOVE ' Clan of the Cave Bear', and have since I was young. I'd suggest " The Girl with the Dragon tattoo'.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
The Iron Druid Chronicles by Kevin Hearne.

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