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In HOnor of this Mighty New Cult.. I offer, Bimbo's Initiation!

9 members and growing

Richard65 · M Best Comment
I love the Ren and Stimpy episode when Ren attempts to make a Fleischer-style animated short called "I Like Pink".
@Richard65 this made me extra happy

Bubbles · 36-40, F
thank you for your contribution to the group! Although what in the world did I just watch lol
Bubbles · 36-40, F
@SatyrService both! lol
@Bubbles The one I posted, bimbos initiation, it’s a cartoon from the 1930s. By the Fletcher brothers one of my favorites
DavyPNW · 56-60, M
@Bubbles i am glass i stuck with it to the end
I love Max Fleischer cartoons. They're so creative and surreal.
@robingoodfellow I am a life long fan, my first grade teacher thought i had a speech impediment because I often talked like PopEye
search Fleischer cartoons in YouTube, what i once had to hunt for is now all available. incllding 2 documentaries about them
the superman colors are dreamy
@SatyrService no joke, often when I'm shaving I hear Olive's voice in my head singing "I want a clean shaven man".
Somehow that entered my brain and took up permanent residence.
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
I'm going to need more drugs
DavyPNW · 56-60, M
A happy ending

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