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MsMarvel · 41-45, F
But if it was, it would still be 1 beheading as it ends your lifetime
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MsMarvel · 41-45, F
Plus you would bleed out before beheaded
@Eli072: I feel as though you have no clue how the human anatomy works. A lifetime of slowly getting your neck sliced either way, starting from the back of the neck or the throat would cause death rather quickly. The neck has a major artery called the jugular, which once severed you will bleed out in minutes, back of the neck is your spine which will likely kill you instantly.
Eli072 · 26-30, M
I am fully aware that there are major arteries in the neck but I just thought that it might be fun to just speculate how some ideas and sayings might work out if you tired to make sense of them! :)
MsMarvel · 41-45, F
I don't think that would ever be an outcome