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My Favorite Thing About This Place

Is not having to have my posts go through a moderator to speak my mind. I can't use Reddit anymore even if I wanted to because of that shit. Like what happened to free speech? Who the hell do people think they are to decide what others can and cannot express?
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
Totally agree and that's my number 1 reason for coming here.

Dissenting opinions and voices are not welcome in the left wing social media ecosystem and they have tools, people and processes to identify, de-amplify, shame, censor, and remove any dissenting information and opinions.

Check out Substack as well, they have a more balanced political ecosystem there and don't systemically remove anything right of left wing extremism.
You have a right to freedom of expression, including speech.

That doesn't mean you have a right to hateful speech, etc., and it also doesn't mean you have a right to the microphone of any / every platform.

It's a Hyde Park / Boston Commons thing, not a right to be on TV.
WhyThooo · 31-35
@SomeMichGuy Hate is important and should absolutely be allowed. Censoring criticism is how bad things get so widespread and horrific. You're part of the problem.
@WhyThooo You need to learn how to read.
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