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At what age can you bottle feed a baby coffee?

How long you gotta wait till a baby can drink coffee?
Sequoia51 · 70-79, M
Depends on how long do you want the baby to be sleep deprived. Not good. The Caffeine in Coffee can go through Mother's Milk to a Breastfeeding Baby and affect the baby for 72 hours.
GLITTER · 36-40, F
Like 20mins after birth
Blake10Exe · M
16 years old lol
JamesBugman · 56-60, T
Coffee is an addictive drug. I would suggest instead that you tell the child to never ever drink it. They will live a much happier life, and save a ton of money besides.
You want to wait until they’re walking so they can work the Keurig by themselves. Instills independence and gives you a chance to light up a cigarette for you two to share.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
I don't know about a baby, but my mother used to say that when she was growing up in Italy (she moved to the US at age 12 in 1934), she drank water, coffee, and wine. Not milk (after she was weaned.)
dale74 · M
Caffeine is a stimulant you should not be giving a child
JustJan · F
why would you want too??

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