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I Want To Write My Random Thoughts And Feelings

From this week I want to share my few things those are stuck in my heart for years.. some are over 10 years.. when I am 13 years old, I heard about one of our relatives death. Everyone were sad. Prayed for the person. After couple of weeks I don’t know why, I was thinking about that family and I felt like “they see that person every day in their house, now he is no more. How are they feeling? Of course they are sad. A whole body just vanished”.Then I thought what if one if I die one day, does my bedroom miss me? The pigeons I fed through my windows miss me?My favorite plate I eat my dinner every night miss me? Does my bicycle on which I go to school miss me? Does the store guy miss me where I buy cookies almost every day? Does my bench miss me in my class? I know it’s kind off silly but i am so curious to know. Years passed and felt same again when I thought killing my self for that my dad and my ex did in 2013. Things is good. Again same questions came across my mind.. but this time I got answer. I will share the “answer” next week😊. I am just sharing random thought. This is not for debate or judging other people’s feelings.😊
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Pressygold · 31-35, F
Hey. Take care. Of course people will miss you. Like how we miss other people when they are gone.
I bet you’re really Ernie from Sesame Street, right? And you’re having an existential crisis...good luck with that 🤞🏼😜
Iloveoceans · 31-35, M
@Annii nope
greenmountaingal · 80-89, F
When you are gone from this Earth, you will leave a "You shaped" hole in the fabric of reality.

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