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I Want To Write My Random Thoughts And Feelings

It is sad to see young people losing hope so quickly. I think other people are at fault too. We just care about degrading others by making fun of them, abusing, fighting with them and what not. Instead of doing all this, you can uplift people that will give you inner peace. Stop Bashing people, Your words can hurt others. Be humble. If you dont have any good thing to say then dont say anything at all.
Keraunos · 36-40, M
I think the root of this issue is more that adults provide — often knowingly — very wrongheaded expectations about reality, in what are actually self-serving efforts to create and and preserve "innocence" in the young (whatever the hell that is even supposed to be; the notion in anything like its present conception does not appear to predate Christianity).

While it is not necessarily a consciously planned one, there is in practice a grand conspiracy in which a good half of all adults, including most involved in formal education, now participate, to deny children and adolescents adequate preparation for the horrors that will be visited upon most people's lives sooner or later. Often enough, young people who go relatively unaffected by this conditioning are even held in cool regard by adults.

Despite this, we all know that selective inattention is being paid to the image of the world imparted to children, and that they will have to "grow up" someday, which means among other things abandoning half of what was taught to them by their purported mentors. We are basically playing an elaborate joke on them that takes twenty to thirty years to get to the punchline.

But: more pernicious in this regard than all of that is perhaps the effect of fictional stories on young minds. Electronic entertainment has done some positive things for the potential in elaborate world-building and innovations in form for storytelling, but fiction has taken a major hit in psychological complexity lately. Stories of taken-for-granted happy endings and obvious "good" and "bad" factions were rare before 1900. People's worldviews are more rooted in analogies to known "mythology" (in the largest sense of that word that is basically synonymous with "stories") than in reasoning by far, and all the more so the less conscious of that fact they are.
@Keraunos Right
To be honest, I think the internet and social media has fucked up people's sense of connection in which it's easier to be bullied and trolled which people can't deal with now. I was severely bullied and it really messes you up....after all I think we're all social beings who want to be loved. But people are so lonely they just want instant gratification because that's all our society is about these days. Not work, but easy attention. :(
@SW-User True That
@SW-User I think if the society was less about capitalism and more about compassion, we'd be a better place. But it's good that you notice these kinds of things. :)
JoeyFoxx · 51-55, M
I think it’s ok to say positive and negative things, so long as it’s not for sport.

It also important that we talk to each other, not to defend one another, but for each of us to learn coping techniques.

There will always be challenges in life. Learning how to manage them makes life much more enjoyable.
@JoeyFoxx I agree
xixgun · M
I believe Greg Gutfeld put it best - "The internet is the world's bathroom wall"
AG7777 · 41-45, M
Great post. While it is generally not advised to make things to sterile so that people's feelings will never be hurt, on the flip side, the endless snark, irony, shouting, chuckling, and overall noise is also a huge problem.
Tminus6453 · M
Yeah, Kids, or anyone for that matter can be really mean to each other.. then put them online and on social media and that magnifies X100... its not like it used to be
xixgun · M
That would have a twofold effect. The world would be a much nicer place AND much quieter.
EnglandsAnswer · 31-35, M
I saw a thing the other day. A 9 year old kid committed suicide for being bullied at school. :(
EnglandsAnswer · 31-35, M
Kazuya69 · 31-35, M
you seem kind
2cool4school · 46-50, F
@Kazuya69 that's what most of the people who lived to say they interacted with Ted Bundy 🙄 say
MethDozer · M
Being cynical and jaded is just part of growing up and becoming an adult. It is inevitable if you are l
Paying any attention.
2cool4school · 46-50, F
@MethDozer omg so thinking exactly the same 🙄

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