[b]Looking around I noticed a little bit of a trend there are those that have a lot of groups and posts and then there are those that have only a few groups and still possibly a lot of posts and yes there are those that do not post as often or at all, However in this post I am focused on collectors of groups and those that do not collect as many groups for their profile! Which one would you say you are?
I used to collate groups ever since EP but i kept getting adult flagged and it would never happen until i collected groups! So i stop doing that because talking to my underage friends is more important then having groups.
@TuxedoMask I understand the want to join a lot of different groups I get that and I am glad you put your own priorities first. For me I can express myself in a few groups but it is not for everyone. Too each there own.
@LyricalOne That is one way to go for sure. I just find for me personally hard to keep track of the places to write when I have to many groups. I would get lost in them.