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I Have Random Thoughts

Thinking on the 4th of July and everyone from the US going to head out and celebrate our independence with pretty lights think about this. The beautiful and colorful world we see is actually variances of black and white. It's only with the presence of light do we see colors. That pretty plant or flower isn't actually green or blue or red its actually in between black and white, the grey area we refer to. With the presence of light bouncing off it makes us perceive it as another color. Not to ruin anyone's fireworks show tonight just something to make you think. We truly live in a black and white world where our lives exist in the grey.
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Rocketman · 41-45, M
Thanks FHW, I actually hesitated to post this on such a colorful holiday, but we can't live in a dream world forever. You, as a photographer, would be devastated when you see the colorful world through a lense. I can imagine that was tough to accept. I just find science and math fascinating and wanted to share what I learned about the perception of color. Reality is perception.
Rocketman · 41-45, M
MrsGearHead, sorry to hear that.
I have no idea.. But he couldn't be a state trooper or get his pilot license because of it ..

This is beside the point but his flight instructor latter died while sky diving..

Which is why I always opt out of such thrills.. ..
Rocketman · 41-45, M
MrsGearHead, what does he see in place of it if you don't mind my asking?
Yeah was a long time ago.. :/
Rocketman · 41-45, M
FHW, lol....knowledge is power.
My dad is colorblind to certain shades of green..
"...we can't live in a dream world forever."

Pft I say. Pft. Ignorance is bliss. Sometimes.
I can't believe you put this out there on the most colorful holiday of the year. Ballsy, man. Ballsy.

When I first found this out a couple of years ago, yes, public school failed me, it f*cked my shit up! I just couldn't wrap my head around it. I live through a camera lens so it really jacked with my perception of what I see before me. I actually got depressed because of I did look through my lens with a monochrome filter though, just so I could see the world as it is. I was able to see the beauty still there, but it truly saddened my heart to know that red isn't red, or that yellow is just a figment of my mind.

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