MsSwan Best Comment
Yuh ok. Like you needa get some dog or sum-ting.
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
Chicken judo classes? 🤔
JohnnySpot · 56-60, M
Sprinkle used kitty litter around the perimeter of the yard.
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
Raccoons don't like the scent of ammonia or cayenne pepper;placing ammonia-soaked rags and sprinkling the pepper around the edges of your yard or property
WildBill25 · 26-30, M
Get a dog!!
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
Do something good smacker minka raccoon with stick while you look like a man
Put her photos around the fence, they'll sense her evil and run for their lives.