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I Have Something to Say

Finally Brexit has won!! The majority has spoken and signaled their deep seated disgust to corrupted Eurocrats. Congrats to all who voted for Leave! A tremendous hard fought achievement despite non stop fear mongering from the noxious Remain campaign. Now Britons can set out to fix their porous borders and truly proper like the other non-EU nation like Switzerland. 馃榾
Carver31-35, F
Fucking biased media, already going all chicken little over Brexit happening and not once going into how Britain will indisputably be much better off without the European Union. And they most certainly will and when other countries start to see how much Britain is better off without the EU, they will want to leave too. It's no wonder the establishment is going ape shit over this, they're terrified! They know this could very well be the beginning of the end for the EU and so they're trying to make the public as scared as they are. What a joke!

I say good for Britain for abandoning the sinking ship that is the EU. I'm really happy for them and I really do hope other countries begin to follow in turn and dissolve the EU.
I sincerely hope that this will be positive for Great Britain, but I'm afraid the majority misjudged the facts. My prediction is that this will destroy their economy because import, export and tourism will become much less attractive. And if it does, you quit the only organization that would otherwise have helped. Let's hope I'm wrong...
winston80-89, M
Interestingcomments. I live in Australia and we get a totally different slant on it here.
First - likely to lead us all into a world wide depression as bad as the 1930's.
Second - Scotland and Northern Ireland will break away. Scots to form their own European country, and Ireland to join their south sinmilarly.
Hope this is lies being fed to us here, but I doubt it!
No -one here is as excited as you seem to be!!
Above all, it will take two years before it all takes effect anyway.
Thanks anyway for your opinion here.
marvingaye56-60, M
Yes ... nothing like ripping your opponents a few last times before getting on with things. Gracious losing is one thing, but you haven't even got gracious winning figured out.
thenewrja51-55, F
Busted! You're actually Nigel Farage aren't you?!.. It's all clear now....
Abrienda26-30, F
YES! Look for Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia next.

But yes the media hates it when the people do not do what the elites who control the media tell them to do!
Abrienda26-30, F
AGREED! I have celebrated it on all my groups! VIVA INGLATERRA! La UE esta TERMINADOS!

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