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I have to take my 10 year old to the doctor to see if she has adhd
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Sierra14 · 16-17, F
does she? I do
Nipper66 · 56-60, F
Ha! When my daughter and son were diagnosed, I read all about it and realized I am also AD/HD! Was actually wonderful to finally understand why I couldn't pay attention to sitting and being bored all day in school! I'm ADD, not hyper. I would daydream to escape the boredom. I'm a fast learner, intelligent and artistic. But felt like a failure in school.
While meds can help, seems like schools with more hands on or a more rapid pace would be so much better for ad/had people!
While it is t a 'disease' or disorder - it is people's brains functuning differently! Seems ADHD brains make great explorers and risk taking type jobs in life. And since society in general seems prone to sitting and repetitive jobs, is harder now.
Read lots and learn! There is some garbage as well, but also good info! Positive reinforcement helps way better with ADHD than 'punishment'.. the therapist I took my kids to for help with ADHD recommended the book 1, 2, 3 magic. Was a huge help!
Tvxhed · 41-45, M
I really disagree with ADHD and similar diagnosis... They tried to give me some Ritalin before too. I didn't need it - I was a kid and kids run fast. It's natural. Try to make an exercise regimen and include some fun things and rewards for doing it completely and well. I bet you'll have much better results. Exercise before school to get woken up and the blood pumping - proper food, and tell her to think ABOUT what the teacher is talking about. Not just what she says, but thinking AROUND the topic and what she says, while she's talking about it. Many people run fast, it's good if she does too - it means she's smart.
Don't dumb her down or limit her potential with drugs. They were created by other people to earn money - NOT to fix a problem that really didn't exist. (Some kids do have genuine problems, but it's likely about 5% of the # being medicated... BigPharma is an evil thing and hurting our country on many different levels.)
I agree 100 percent..
I'd cancel the appointment
or he could get to run and play outside a lot before school
NO Ritalin!

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