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Slim79 · 41-45, M
I'm sorry. Lucky for me I've hated her since I was a kid
Carissimi · F
@windinhishair: Some illegals coming into the country are rapists and criminals, that's a documented fact. No, let me change that. All illegal aliens ARE criminals because they broke federal immigration law.

I'll counter your other points later. I've got a headache.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
Good luck. Hope your headache goes away.
Carissimi · F
@windinhishair: Thank you.

windinhishair · 61-69, M
Unfortunately Trump has taken an already polarized society and pushed both sides so far apart that there is little common ground any more. And you notice that Trump responded to Meryl Streep with his tweets. As if he has nothing better to do than tweet at an actress.

I am afraid it is going to get much, much worse after Trump is elected and continues to tweet and bully.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
When did the Supreme Court support torture????

I listen to him closely, but watch what he actually does. I guess you didn't remember his statements about Mexicans being rapists and criminals, his statements that an American judge of Mexican descent can't do his job because of his heritage, his continued attacks on Mr. Khan, a Muslim whose son died defending this country, his appointment of the white supremacist Steve Bannon as a key advisor, his reorganization the National Security Council today to give that white supremacist a seat while minimizing the role of the director of national security and the chairman of the joint chiefs, his signing of an executive order yesterday banning Muslim entry to the US from seven Muslim countries (while allowing Christians from the same countries to apply to come over), his not banning Muslim entry from the countries that actually produced the 9/11 hijackers (primarily Saudi Arabia, where he has business interests) while using 9/11 as his excuse, his speaking repeatedly and vociferously about Christians being discriminated against in the number of refugees being allowed into the US (when the numbers were equal), his refusal to speak out or denounce attacks on protesters at his rallies, and in fact saying they should be attacked and that he would pay the legal bills of those who did, his refusal to renounce the support of former KKK member David Duke after first lying that he didn't know who the guy was (until video surfaced of Trump talking about him earlier), his continued insistence that over 3 million illegals voted and cost him the popular vote (when even Republicans don't believe that), his lie that he didn't mock a crippled reporter for his disability, and on and on and on. He must have done none of those things, or maybe you just missed them in your adoration of Trump. His values that he clearly articulated and that got him elected and that he is now implementing are not the values that a majority of Americans share--just a minority who voted for him, like you. And that's a good thing. If you thought his policies based on those values were the best, God help you.
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windinhishair · 61-69, M
@NearMiss: "When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

That is the direct quote. That isn't fake news. That isn't me talking. That is Trump. You can watch him say it any time you like online. But you won't, because you're in denial about what he has said, what he has done, and what he is doing. The other things on my list are all things he's said or done. You can ignore those too. That is your right.

I'm not spreading lies. I'm spreading Trump's own words and deeds which are easily confirmed. Do we really live in a world now where things you've seen with your own eyes are lies?
I never liked her-or any film she was in . In fact, the fact the she WAS in it kept me from it. She has nothing on Audrey Hepburn. Or Ingrid Bergman. Claudette Colbert and Myrna Loy.

BUT--I also agree with you . And I hate that so many tale the opportunity of award speech to voice their personal bile and bilge. STFU! No one cares what they think. I did not see that you speak of. I do not watch award ceremonies-that are previously taped.
Carissimi · F
I didn't watch it. I read and heard about it. Her comments are all over the news. I've stopped watching award shows. These Hollywood types hold no interest for me, especially with their negative rhetoric.

I still think she is a great actress, and always watched any movie she was in, until she spoiled it with this.
Hate speech ? Don´t be ridiculous. Since when is stating her opinion hate speech ?
Carissimi · F
When any conservative voicing their opinion was deemed hate speech by the left.

She is entitled to her opinion, but the venue was highly inappropriate for a political speech full of negativity. Why not accept her award with grace and class? When half of her fans are conservative, she forgets that she is offending the people who pay to see her movies, and are now alienated from her.

Notwithstanding that what she said was not true. In fact it is hateful to spew lies about a person.
@Carissimi: Funny that you admire grace and class and yet support Donald Trump who is exactly the opposite of those two terms.

Very odd.
Carissimi · F
@Underconstruction: I do admire grace and class, however, and more importantly, I admire a leader who will secure our borders from illegal invaders, repeal the insidious Obamacare, and strengthen our military, and all without being politically correct which is destroying Europe and censoring free speech.
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
Most actors are morons.
Carissimi · F
They don't live in the real world.
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
@Carissimi: True. But if they had any brains they would not have become an actor.
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ermahgerd · 41-45, F
Do you need a safe space?
Carissimi · F
Wouldn't that be nice?
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