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I don't even hide my lack of enthusiam anymore.

The mask has fallen and shattered all over the floor sending shards in every direction so be careful where you step.Where I work I am supposed to be this peppy friendly person but I just can't fake it these days. I was pulled off the floor today by my boss over my lack of enthusiasm. "Steven, customers have been telling me you look like you don't want to be here." Actually, I am absolutely ELATED to be here it's just all on the inside you see.Honestly? I'm a husk of a human being these days, a shell. Anyways here is what landed me in "hot water" today.

Incident 1: Some rap song was playing over the radio and these two girls come into the shop vibing and singing along to the song playing. One girl says to me "Oh you guys are boppin' in here today" I just looked at her and asked what she wanted to order. I don't care, just tell me what you want so I can get through my line thanks.

Incident 2: A couple came in and the man says he is thankful we are open and is thankful that I am here. I just said, "Ok what can I get for you today?"It's just a coffee shop sir and I don't want to be here I'd rather be anywhere but here if I may be perfectly honest. After the couple had placed their order the man tries to thank me again and I just gave him another "Ok." What am I supposed to say? Honestly.

Due to the above incidents I was pulled off the floor by my boss and she had a word with me about my attitude. I protested and said I did not have an attitude. So I'm not a perky disney princess and these days who is? I'm just trying to maintain some type of neutral existence. I'm here, I'm doing my job and I 'm being professional.
goodlil666 · 51-55, MVIP
You should probably find another line of work. If you work in a position that requires interaction with the public, especially paying customers , a certain level of politeness and professionalism is expected. If you are not able to leave your apathy at home a change of careers maybe your best choice. If not chances are you will be unemployed soon.

Believe me I know it's really hard sometimes to leave your personal issues at home, but if you really enjoy your job , you have to suck it up. When I was about 35 in about a 2 1/2 yr period I lost my last two grandparents , both of my parents, all died at separate times, and I waa in a bitter drawn out divorce that lasted 2 yrs. It was a struggle each day to even get out of bed. But I did what I had to do. I couldn't lose my job, that was the only thing keeping me sane and I had nothing and no where to go if I lost my job. My boss pulled me aside one day and told me ,
" I don't know how you do it, your a better man than me, you come to work everyday and always have a good attitude, still do great quality of work and all the faculty, staff , students and administrators love you. I commend you for that.

If you truly enjoy your job, put all the other stuff aside while your at work.
Crimsondrops · 36-40, M
@goodlil666 First, I'd like to give you props for keeping it together while dealing with what you did. I just want to say that takes a lot of strength. I just keep it neutral and remove as much emotion as I can. Call me a NPC if you will.
Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
If it's a requirement for your job to be friendly ,perhaps a different job would be better?
One with limited customer interaction?
The couple was trying to be kind, "you are most welcome" is a good reply.
The girls were just being girls and they are all trying to get through life as well.
It's obviously a problem if you are getting called out on it.
All of us have down times, but it seems your job is at stake if you can't find a way to be what your job requires.
Depression is not easy, perhaps, some therapy or counseling would help?
Crimsondrops · 36-40, M
@Justmeraeagain I just prefer having a neutral existence. I wasn't being rude but I prefer to just remove the emotion from my job and to just do the work. No feelings, no hang ups just do it like an automaton. Call me a NPC.
That's the only problem with the hospitality industry. You HAVE to be extremely nice, and extremely outgoing, and you have to acknowledge EVERYONE, and I get it, I'm the same way. I just want to go to work, do my job, and go home, and not have to be this super shining star of bright light every single day, because I just can't do that.
Crimsondrops · 36-40, M
@Bob0Bob I agree, you have to be "on" at all times and if you aren't.....

I feel a neutral existence should be acceptable as well.
Egg01 · 56-60, F
They don’t care about us or our wellbeing. To employers, we’re just bodies and minds to be utilised until we’re done and a fresh human comes along to fill the gap we leave. I think that goes from small businesses to large conglomerates. Sounds like you’re doing your best and I salute you for it.
Crimsondrops · 36-40, M
@Egg01 It's sad but you're speaking the truth.
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
If you cannot hide how you’re feeling then you may need a job where you don’t have to.

Staying “up” and appearing happy doesn’t sound like something you’re all about right now. Unfortunately, with the job you have, it’s something that’s important.
Crimsondrops · 36-40, M
@Pinkstarburst I'd love to do something less people facing but I don't know what that would be.
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Crimsondrops · 36-40, M
@QueenOfZaun I don't speak for everyone but I feel very few truly enjoy their jobs. As adults we have bills and responsibilities which means we need to secure money in the form of a job. Some are lucky and find jobs that don't feel like jobs but for most of us we just suck it up because we need to money. I'm definitely someone who just needs the money.

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