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How hard is it?

How hard is it to just make plans u know u can make half the time, show up for plans u make half the time, make plans where the other party doesn't have to wait several hours for a definite answer to the point where it's usually when they go to bed repeatedly?

And if the issue is making plans u dont care to make then y even make them if there's no pressure being put on u to do so?

No one has to do anything and i make it clear they shouldnt feel any obligation to do anything.

I'm so tired of it being so hard to spend time with. People that say "they want to" spend time with me and imply it with various actions or words.
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smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
Well that is life
@YukiSohma Yeah baby
YukiSohma · 26-30, F
@SW-User I knew it had to be a conspiracy, truly I can't be that forgettable and unlikable or scary!!! CX
@YukiSohma Us orientals gotta stick together.
YukiSohma · 26-30, F
@littlepuppywantanewlife i read ur display name wrong so many times, just wanted to let u kno
@YukiSohma it's ok. 🙂
PrestonJ · 36-40
It’s a lack of maturity. I think it’s also an age thing.

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