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Why is Facebook such a competition?

I, among most of my schoolmates moved overseas after college/university. To US, AU, Singapore, etc. To update everyone what's happening to us, we post photos and say something about it (as you already know).

I share funny things about my family, I post what my kids have been wearing on days when they have to have costumes on and ofcourse quotes.

My friends post things when they buy new cars, watches, when they build new houses, when they get promoted or when their kids achieve excellence.

I haven't seen anyone post anything when something gets stolen or when their kids lose a game or maybe when their state gets hit by calamities.

That's why I don't go there much anymore. Too much people showing off. I only go there to read and look at my memories.
LadyJ · F
I call it FAKEBOOK...so many on there who are full of s**t
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
@LadyJ that's why I call it shitbook...
You're right, people showing off and others judging. I haven't updated anything there since years ago, just use it for ads for my career
GunFinger · F
@SW-User I don't know why they have to show off. For career is always ok.
pianoplayingsteve · 31-35, M
@SW-User nice pic
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
I get it! My husband’s entire side of his family is the same and it’s so sickening. I have unfollowed all of them on fb and if’s the best thing I’ve ever done. I’ve never seen so many self absorbed people in one (extended) family
Coralmist · 41-45, F
Yep, I do enjoy the idea of FB, and occasionally see a great inspirational meme. But on the whole, its my friends from HS posting about their nails, hair, vacation...like look at ME EVERY DAYYYYY!!!! LOL. I get a bit like, okkkkk, we GET IT!!! YOU have this or that!! Lol. I go on like only twice a week or so now.
GunFinger · F
@Coralmist I even forget I have that app sometimes.
meggie · F
I have a cousin that looks like a supermodel in every photo she posts on there. In real life she looks nothing like her facebook photos.
GunFinger · F
@meggie and that's why we call it Fakebook.
CestManan · 46-50, F
@meggie people would do well to remember that when they feel jealous of pictures on this site. I mean the ones on here that post to the sexiest pictures might look like complete crack whores in real life
PaleandPolluted · 36-40, F
Mine are always posting sad shit and drama, it's very entertaining. I just post memes but not much now.
GunFinger · F
@PaleandPolluted I don't post sad stuff either. They're none of their business too. But posting sad stuff that's happening once in a while is being real.
PaleandPolluted · 36-40, F
@GunFinger i try not to, i feel a bit too vulnerable posting stuff like that there. Im more comfortable with strangers
Flashy vs classy.

You sharing beautiful moments with your love ones. They flashing materials. I will go with you than them 😂
I could never figure out how the laborer from work became famous on his bus ride home. Such a G Boy for a guy livin in his Mom's basement.
Degbeme · 70-79, M
I never joined. I have way too many family and friends on there. I don`t need to know what they`re doing.
ImRileyTheDog · 22-25, F
Will you be my first koala Facebook friend
GunFinger · F
@ImRileyTheDog let's stay in Similar Weirdness, please.🤣
That's why I like it here. It's more real.
GunFinger · F
@Spoiledbrat yes, same here.
I deactivated my fb.
This is why i gave up facebook years ago.
Its exhausting to read what people put up while knowing its but a tiny optimally selected segment of an otherwise very average and possibly just as difficult life.
GunFinger · F
@OogieBoogie it's really exhausting. That's what I'm trying to get to as well.
It’s the equivalent of the family “brag book”, the album with the graduation, wedding pictures that folks pulled out when family visited. It’s one of the many reasons I don’t do Facebook.
GunFinger · F
@bijouxbroussard I don't do it anymore too. I've hated it so much since.
FeetAreFantastic · 41-45, M
This is why I left that shitshow years ago. I hardly ever posted something myself and really wasn't interested in seeing others' constant update. Its all just for people seeking validation but I really don't care what people think about my new sweater.
GunFinger · F
@FeetAreFantastic I'm sure your sweater is nice and looks good on you. Show us a photo of you wearing it.😁
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I rarely use it because I don’t care to see that kind of stuff
GunFinger · F
@iamonfire696 same here.
empanadas · 31-35, M
Social media is like that. Just to show off the positives and not the negatives

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