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I just cannot fathom

Who takes this kind of stuff seriously....


HOW EVIL...she supports legalizing mary jane and common sense gun laws.

"Climate Alarmist Cult Member"

This is juvenille. They are big hurt that they have been compared to Nazi's (because...well...if it walks like a duck..), big mad about being called a cult and compared to the cult of Jim Jones...

And they try...so hard...to respond ....

And this is what they come up with.

JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
Just shows you have divided the US is; all of those characteristics I like lol. They are not extreme; abortion has been a right since Roe vs Wade until now, gun laws are common sense, racism is a big problem in the US, and how accepting the science behind climate change a "alarmist cult member"? What cult
Degbeme · 70-79, M
*the Canuck sits so confused* 😐
Ontheroad · M
Who takes it seriously? Sadly, a large segment of those who actually go out and vote... say what you will (and I agree with you), but the machine that calls itself the Republican Party is organized and it is a powerful dark force.
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
@Ontheroad They absolutely know what their base wants to hear.
ReneeT · 61-69, M
And you would think most sane people would agree with Gretchen. Is it too extreme to want to have basic human rights become more mainstream? I sure hope not
I had to laugh—"extremism" ? I agree with everything they say she supports. If Whitmer was in my state, she’d have my vote just based on that.
Tucker doesn’t get that he and his ilk are the extremists. And *cough* how extreme is it to try and kidnap a politician, which Whitmer’s foes tried to do ?
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JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F

I honestly totally understand the connection of the dots between their baseless fears and the idea that these things are extreme. It is just so damn stupid and most times bizarre...that it sometimes drives me bonkers.
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Northwest · M
Don't you like it when the MAGAs scream bloody murder, because the media is against them, and then they remind you that Fox News is the #1 news channel.

But he does bring up some very good points, in her favor.
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
@Northwest Right? I can board this train.
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