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I vape...it is gross

And I honestly hate it.

I want to quit but it is damm hard. I thought I could wean myself from smoking by vaping ...but that didn't happen.

We are struggling with money and I am out of juice. I am not going to buy more...but this morning is rough.

I had enough until last night.

Today is going to be rough.
I think...if I can do this...I can do just about anything.
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
Nicotine? I can relate. Smoke shop near me had special deals for Delta 8 (weed) vapes mixed with nicotine. I let myself be tempted and pulled in. I regret that. Nicotine made my depression much worse. Like alcohol does.

D8 by itself I used for longer, and I felt it helped me feel much less dysphoric all the time. But eventually I saw the cost mount from my habit and I have left it alone for a while.

I don't judge people for vaping. Trust me, I get it.
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
@GeistInTheMachine yea..nicotine.

I think the vape definitely has made my anxiety and depression worse.
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
@JaggedLittlePill Nicotine does that! It's an ugly psuedo stimulant drug. Few benefits if any...

Do patches work for you?

Or maybe think about switching to a less horrible vape like pure D8.

But that is not a long term solution. I just want you to get off the nicotine ASAP because I know first hand how horrid it is!

God Bless You and Yours.
You can do this, Jag 💜💪🤗

Eat a chewing gum to keep your mouth busy…and get over that urge.
@WaryWitchWandering Really nice idea…I didn’t know this.

Also nicotine gum or patches on your arm can help get over that addiction. @JaggedLittlePill 🤗🤗💖💜
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
@Vivaci i tried a patch and that didnt do it for me.
@JaggedLittlePill They’re of different strengths so maybe that’s why.

I think hard candies/lollipops/gums will be a better distraction in that case.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
Coming off the rubbish by either tobacco or vapour? Go for it!

You will be far better off both in health and financially without it.

Tobacco tar is highly cancerous. Nicotine might not be that but is very addictive - its manufacturers know that and deliberately make their vapour products stronger than the tobacco alternatives.

(There are now even Chinese companies making nicotine products disguised as sweets for sale on-line to children!. I learnt this recently after BBC journalists followed up a father reporting his distress at finding his daughter has become addicted to the stuff. She is just 12.)
Northwest · M
I wish you luck. I wish I had advice better than encouragement.
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
@Northwest thanks, It is ok...advice is mostly useless. Really. It just takes my own will power.
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
You can do it, especially because you WANT to stop.

Addictions suck… I can relate
anoderod55 · 61-69, M
Good luck to you ❤️

You can do it 🙏 🌹

Hope your day is good . Happy Friday 🌻
candycane · 31-35, F
Could luck♥️

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