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MissPiss1980 · 41-45, F
Exactly our thinking too

smiler2012 · 56-60
{@midschtch] no matter how irritating you find it still too early yet
smiler2012 · 56-60
@midschtch well ok that is fair enough i am not going to get into a debate about it
pdockal · 56-60, M
@smiler2012 based on what exactly
smiler2012 · 56-60
@pdockal rises in infections i am not up for a debate on this
Burn away. I'm not ready yet. "The winter is coming."
Coppercoil · M
I think I'm going to keep wearing my mask and washing my hands keeping sanitizer in all the cars from now on.. I don't get sick at all anymore. I kinda like not getting sick every three months.
Coppercoil · M
@Coppercoil edit.. after this I got sick lol but to be fair I was in a crowd of people at a resort type place.
@Coppercoil Just curious: do you wear your mask in your car, like with all the windows up, etc.? How about at home? At work? While in nature somewhere, miles from other humans? I don’t get sick at all either and I am much older than you and never wore masks unless forced to, like visiting a hospital, etc. Got C19 just once, as a flu-like infection, got over it on my own with no meds or treatment after a week. No c19 shot or boosters ever. Never even get colds…
AmericanBroad · 31-35, FVIP
I have always found the idea of the masks to be some dumbass shit. It is an exercise in exerting authoritarianism and trying to replicate Chinese subservience lol good luck with that 🤣
Coppercoil · M
I want the surgery where you can breath through your butthole.. then my pants will be the mask and my beautiful face can be mask free.
you can just regularly dispose them after each use if you start washing your mouth more frequently
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
All the selfish asshats who don't give a shit about whether they get infected or infect someone else?
Sadly it only matters what the virus thinks
I did that after the first week of this madness, when I realized that this was about control not about health and safety.
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
Well given rising infection rates... I'd say not
midschtch · F
@Adaydreambeliever In California?
Royrogers · 61-69, M
Do you have a fence around california to stop the virus getting in @midschtch
midschtch · F
@Royrogers Dont live in CA but they said infection rates rising. Where?
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I fucking hate masks but it’s not the time yet.
Coppercoil · M
@SW-User get the surgery.. its so worth it.
Wiseacre · F
I don’t because I am unvaxxed.
midschtch · F
@Wiseacre So you plan to wear one for eternity?
Wiseacre · F
pdockal · 56-60, M
They why post ????
smiler2012 · 56-60
@pdockal it is an opinion that is all as is yours . i have been drawn into this sort of debate before where it can be become heated amnd i am no longer interest in confrontation
pdockal · 56-60, M
@smiler2012 then don't open your mouth
smiler2012 · 56-60
@pdockal ever heard of freedom of speech obviously not
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
@midschtch So what do you think of Jason Momoa & Would You Do Him
missit15 · 56-60, M
if covid would only just go away
MrAboo · 36-40, M
I was saying that last summer
It's never too late to burn
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
Nah... Not quite yet..
lost213 · 46-50, M
I think so too
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
Not yet ...
pdockal · 56-60, M

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