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I Have Something to Say

Why is it a black guy gets murdered on Americas streets by a white cop and its all over the news causes unrest and mass demonstrations etc , but white farmers and their families being murdered by black people in South Africa and having their farms taken , probably with the Black Governments blessing and the countries police even turning a blind eye and nothing .It doesnt even warrant a mention on the news .This sends out the message that white lives dont matter and black people are more important than white people . Has it become so politically correct that we are sending out the message that we arnt all human beings and dont all deserve respect .Shouldnt we all be treated the same no matter what colour creed etc we are .I think this is setting a dangerous president .
TinyViolins · 31-35, M
So the white news reporters that work for the white media executives that are dependent on a majority white viewership in order to make revenue, are trying to send the message that white lives don't matter?

Shit. I've seen some mental gymnastics in my days, but this deserves a gold medal
bearinthehalfwayhouse · 26-30, M
Well it's because that's in africa so it don't matter to us cushy westerners. ┴┬┴┤•ᴥ •ʔ/
Rhodesianman · 56-60, M
@bearinthehalfwayhouse Well it should after all most of those whites are british or dutch descendants .
Ladyryan · 51-55, F
There should be awareness, publicity、social media exposures etc. America has all that.
Nobody cares about South Africa in the US. But it has made the news many times. I've heard about it.
because it's america

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