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I Have Something to Say

The United Kingdom is no longer a member of the European Union. For better or worse, this is a victory for democracy, for the ordinary man and woman over the elites, and for internationalism. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!
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Lynda70 · F
this is a victory for democracy, for the ordinary man and woman over the elites,
No, It was a victory for certain elites who managed to hoodwink the ordinary people that intoroducing trade barriers and disrupting the free movement of goods and people, including themselves, would be to their benefit. What benefits have the ordinary people gained from this mess?
Justme264 · 70-79, M
@MartinII I apologise forxefging to differ... I have seen the,damage Brexit has done to the financial services industry in whixh I worked.... and now Rees-Mogg talks of dismantling Solvency II... reallee!?

Has he even read and understood it and understood the gistory of what it was based on?

And now UK residents are once more exposed to usuruousxmobile phone chargesxwhilst travelling.... which the EU putca stop to.

Ideology is fine... but in the Brexit context it has caused disaster in practical terms to us Brits .....
Lynda70 · F
@MartinII You're free to disagree, just as I am with you. Maybe you're one of the few, like Rees-Mogg, Farage, etc. who has personally benefitted from Brexit but it's been a disaster for the vast majority of us

Many people were deceived into voting for Brexit to "keep the furringers out". They didn't understand that other EU countries could do the same so UK nationals who have retired to Spain and France can also be sent back home to the UK. The Government is now desperately trying to recruit people from overseas to solve the labour shortage, after telling them we didn't want them here. Before Brexit, young Eastern European students used to come here to work on the fields during summer. We all, they and we, benefitted from that arrangement. Over the last couple of years, tonnes of food has had to be left to rot in the fields becuse there was no one to harvest it.

Many UK companies have lost contracts because trading with EU countries is no longer viable. Many EU companies are no longer willing to trade with UK companies for the same reason. It's true we're free to try to negotiate trade deals with other countries but we don't have a strong negotiating position like the EU does.

It's the young I really feel sorry for. The older people who voted for this disaster have only themselves to blame. The ones who are really going to suffer from it are the younger generation, many of whom were too young to vote. We haven't seen the worst of Brexit yet.
MartinII · 70-79, M
@Lynda70 Thanks for that. I haven’t benefited in a personal sense from Brexit - I’m not sure anyone has. Without going into details, I agree that some individuals and companies with close connexions to EU countries have suffered. But all that is beside the point, to my mind. The main reason why people repeatedly voted for Brexit, and why it will in my view be a good thing, is political, not economic.

Anyway, perhaps we’ve taken this as far as we can. The Queen’s death rather overwhelms everything else at the moment. Good to be anle to debate in a civilised manner.
Braveheart · M
2 and a bit years on's been a complete disaster and we haven't seen the worst yet.
BlueVeins · 22-25
It's certainly a victory for democracy, that the results of a referendum would be upheld, but it's not a victory for the voters within it! 🤭
Justme264 · 70-79, M
Absolutely... I agree but that does not meant that is not highly possible to turn out to be huge mistake very quickly... imho

E.g. today's announcement on new immigration rules
MartinII · 70-79, M
@Justme264 Very true. The point is that we can make our own rules. Whether we make a mess of them or not is up to us!
ArtieKat · M
Very true,Martin
ArishMell · 70-79, M
Sort of crept up on us, with the pandemic taking all the attention...
Lynda70 · F
@ArishMell The pandemic provided a useful scapegoat for the Brexiters.

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