
trackman11 · 61-69, M
It’s not as easy as you think. We have secret meetings and have to practice. 🙂
rckt148 · 61-69, M
Most young men have their heads up their wives rears
He knew he wanted you ,but had no clue what to do with you after he caught ya
He is still trying to figure out what happened
give him a few years ,he will be smarter then the dog again I promise
He knew he wanted you ,but had no clue what to do with you after he caught ya
He is still trying to figure out what happened
give him a few years ,he will be smarter then the dog again I promise

Not all men are stupid sometimes. It is just that each person is different. Your husband is like this doesn't mean the whole community of men is like him.
Harper · 26-30, F
@SW-User I beg to disagree. 😂 every woman who is with a man has a, "Excuse us. Sorry for the weirdness he is showing," face. I always see it in women when their men are acting weird. They would look at me and have this sympathetic face with their shaking head saying, "sorry for that." 🤣 then again, women have their own bad sides. Like being needy. But what I am saying is, stereotypes of men ARE sometimes from the truth. When women say men are stupid sometimes, well yes they are. I said sometimes, because most people who jump into a cactus, explode insecticide and spray cans, break their bones in stunts, lose their hearing from creating explosive man-made fireworks are MEN. Indeed, men CAN and they ARE stupid sometimes.
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@Harper you're opinion of men sounds based on some pretty lame examples
few men in the USA make explosives ,my door is Never locked and in 26 yrs not one thing has come up missing from my property ,no one has ever entered my home uninvited that he didn't leave fearing for his life
Women in the USA have made the choice they don't want to be protected by men
though a real man does anyway without being asked ,thats just what men of my generation do ,,Provide for his family and protect them
I would could say women are pretty stupid ,they compete with men in every venue ,they don't want men to look after them or provide for them (until real danger comes )We are not the same in the USA
We don't need gates and barb wire and camera's around most of our homes
Kids up at 3 am checking gates ,,
Though kids now days are not safe in school because other kids that have been bullied come to school with guns and kill teachers and classmates
Since terrorism has hit our country since Sept 11 people not use large events as an opportunity to kill the most people possible but now thats world wide
and woman also volunteer to kill and they don't have virgins waiting on them in the hear after (how stupid is a belief that Allah or any other god would make innocent women serve killers for eternity )
Both Genders have their good and bad and stupid ,,ignorance is not based on gender or race ,,its on the individual
And the culture of the USA and yours are nothing alike
except men by the thousands for centuries have died to protect our cultures and religions ,,good and bad
few men in the USA make explosives ,my door is Never locked and in 26 yrs not one thing has come up missing from my property ,no one has ever entered my home uninvited that he didn't leave fearing for his life
Women in the USA have made the choice they don't want to be protected by men
though a real man does anyway without being asked ,thats just what men of my generation do ,,Provide for his family and protect them
I would could say women are pretty stupid ,they compete with men in every venue ,they don't want men to look after them or provide for them (until real danger comes )We are not the same in the USA
We don't need gates and barb wire and camera's around most of our homes
Kids up at 3 am checking gates ,,
Though kids now days are not safe in school because other kids that have been bullied come to school with guns and kill teachers and classmates
Since terrorism has hit our country since Sept 11 people not use large events as an opportunity to kill the most people possible but now thats world wide
and woman also volunteer to kill and they don't have virgins waiting on them in the hear after (how stupid is a belief that Allah or any other god would make innocent women serve killers for eternity )
Both Genders have their good and bad and stupid ,,ignorance is not based on gender or race ,,its on the individual
And the culture of the USA and yours are nothing alike
except men by the thousands for centuries have died to protect our cultures and religions ,,good and bad

@Harper Every woman? Or every woman that you met?
'Every woman' sounds general and that's not true, because not every woman is like this. There are many women in the world, remember that. Furthermore, the weirdness does not equal stupidity. Someone thinks you're weird doesn't mean you're stupid. Each person has a different point of view of others' behavior and action. Maybe person A thinks person B's action is weird or even stupid, but person C will think the opposite.
This is a subjective point of view, which would never apply the same result for everyone.
Also, the problems that you mentioned above only apply to specific men, not men in general.
'Every woman' sounds general and that's not true, because not every woman is like this. There are many women in the world, remember that. Furthermore, the weirdness does not equal stupidity. Someone thinks you're weird doesn't mean you're stupid. Each person has a different point of view of others' behavior and action. Maybe person A thinks person B's action is weird or even stupid, but person C will think the opposite.
This is a subjective point of view, which would never apply the same result for everyone.
Also, the problems that you mentioned above only apply to specific men, not men in general.
gregloa · 61-69, M
HEY HEY!!! 🤨
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SourPennies · 31-35, F
Because they’re men.
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
Well that's kinda ambiguous, but I'll give it a shot. Women are naturally more socially intelligent. Men are mostly surface level. Less so these days, but men naturally only focus on the surface.
It's the difference between masculine requests and feminine requests.
A masculine request is, "Hey, I want you to do this." Simple. No codex needed.
A feminine request is, "Hey, is that bothering you?" Translation: That's really fucking bothering me, and you'd better get your god damn feet off my sofa.
Women are subtle, and men don't know this on instinct. It takes a lot of practice, study, and extrapolation that we don't naturally do. If you say something, most of us will take it at face value.
So, give your husband a break. You may think you're being obvious, but women are very subtle, even when they're trying not to be--a lot of the time.
It's the difference between masculine requests and feminine requests.
A masculine request is, "Hey, I want you to do this." Simple. No codex needed.
A feminine request is, "Hey, is that bothering you?" Translation: That's really fucking bothering me, and you'd better get your god damn feet off my sofa.
Women are subtle, and men don't know this on instinct. It takes a lot of practice, study, and extrapolation that we don't naturally do. If you say something, most of us will take it at face value.
So, give your husband a break. You may think you're being obvious, but women are very subtle, even when they're trying not to be--a lot of the time.
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@Tatsumi No offence ,but I think I have a little more experience in this field
I was married at 16 ,supported my wife since I was 14 ,we had our own place ,she never had to work a day that she was with me
but I had bands ,I drank and I was in the Coast Guard after I turned 17 and 7 months later I was on a search and rescue crew ,,we saved lives ,but we also seen things you never forget ,and getting shot at by drug smugglers ,Pablo Escobar trying to blow us up for seizing his boats and drugs
She never knew if I was coming home ,so she asked me to get out
I got another killer job working as a diesel mechanic for a rail road
I loved to work and I loved overtime
She lived in a fine home ,custom van and all the toys a woman could want
but when I was home ,I drank ,and played my music to loud
and band practice ,gigs every weekend ,,she tired of it
The second wife was very happy ,until a doctor said I would be in a wheel chair by the time I was 45 ..at the latest
SO she said "while you can ,go after you're dream to be a rock star ,so I did
She was jealous of a house full of friends all the time ,a non stop party
and I needed more and more pills to do my job ,,building homes all day
playing gigs every weekend ,always on the road ,,she tired of it too
So when my arm became paralyzed from a bone spur a doctor told her I was milking my back surgery ,,I had part of my spine removed in 1990 and still worked harder them most men I know ,,but he said I was an addict ,,maybe he was right ,but I was taking drugs to work so I could keep up the life style I thought she loved (she was also 12 yrs younger )
I paid off a home ,2 cars and supported my habits ,,but it required lots of work
My last Ex would not leave my side for a single day ,,not to visit family ,friends or nothing ,its like she was scared to loose me .that wen't on for 7 1/2 yrs ,,until I made the mistake of saying
"Our love must be a sin ,because I love you more then God "
Now some say God punished me ,,but she changed ,and like I turned on a switch and turned it off again ,,she got cold ,
But now after 8 yrs of me refusing to talk to her
She wants to come back ,,,why do you think that is ?
Because I am the only real man she knows
The little boy she is with likes Xbox and Playstation
While she works nights ,he works days ,and she is so lonely she could die
She knows what she had with me ,,I am good to my women
and I am no longer an addict
She was jealous because I still helped my sons Mom ,,she takes care of my son ,why wouldn't I help her
She gave me an ultimatum after my confession of love
Stop helping my sons Mom or she was gone ,,,I told her to leave
now she wants to come home ,,,but with 2 kids from another man ,,
Now she knows how I felt ,,when you have kids involved
NO one comes before my kids ,no one
Well except a wife that says I do ,and knows my son is part of the package
I was married at 16 ,supported my wife since I was 14 ,we had our own place ,she never had to work a day that she was with me
but I had bands ,I drank and I was in the Coast Guard after I turned 17 and 7 months later I was on a search and rescue crew ,,we saved lives ,but we also seen things you never forget ,and getting shot at by drug smugglers ,Pablo Escobar trying to blow us up for seizing his boats and drugs
She never knew if I was coming home ,so she asked me to get out
I got another killer job working as a diesel mechanic for a rail road
I loved to work and I loved overtime
She lived in a fine home ,custom van and all the toys a woman could want
but when I was home ,I drank ,and played my music to loud
and band practice ,gigs every weekend ,,she tired of it
The second wife was very happy ,until a doctor said I would be in a wheel chair by the time I was 45 ..at the latest
SO she said "while you can ,go after you're dream to be a rock star ,so I did
She was jealous of a house full of friends all the time ,a non stop party
and I needed more and more pills to do my job ,,building homes all day
playing gigs every weekend ,always on the road ,,she tired of it too
So when my arm became paralyzed from a bone spur a doctor told her I was milking my back surgery ,,I had part of my spine removed in 1990 and still worked harder them most men I know ,,but he said I was an addict ,,maybe he was right ,but I was taking drugs to work so I could keep up the life style I thought she loved (she was also 12 yrs younger )
I paid off a home ,2 cars and supported my habits ,,but it required lots of work
My last Ex would not leave my side for a single day ,,not to visit family ,friends or nothing ,its like she was scared to loose me .that wen't on for 7 1/2 yrs ,,until I made the mistake of saying
"Our love must be a sin ,because I love you more then God "
Now some say God punished me ,,but she changed ,and like I turned on a switch and turned it off again ,,she got cold ,
But now after 8 yrs of me refusing to talk to her
She wants to come back ,,,why do you think that is ?
Because I am the only real man she knows
The little boy she is with likes Xbox and Playstation
While she works nights ,he works days ,and she is so lonely she could die
She knows what she had with me ,,I am good to my women
and I am no longer an addict
She was jealous because I still helped my sons Mom ,,she takes care of my son ,why wouldn't I help her
She gave me an ultimatum after my confession of love
Stop helping my sons Mom or she was gone ,,,I told her to leave
now she wants to come home ,,,but with 2 kids from another man ,,
Now she knows how I felt ,,when you have kids involved
NO one comes before my kids ,no one
Well except a wife that says I do ,and knows my son is part of the package
Harper · 26-30, F
@Tatsumi I don't think my request of "Please lock the gate every day, before night begins unless you want a burglar hurting your family," is a SUBTLE sign. I flat out told him that in asian culture (dunno about western culture) part of the men's job is to protect their family from danger. In my country, we have gates, barbwires, locks, and cameras. Nobody in their right mind leaves a door open. My grandpa even wakes up at 3am to check the doors again. That isnhow important safety is for us. I have told this to him 3-5c already. Yet, he forgot to lock the door 2x already. This is not a my "feminine" subtleties, if I ever had one. This is HIM being stupid. Not to mention that we hard burglars before. I am just pissed. I am already doing lots of stuff in the house, and now I have to also try to protect my family from burglars? Isn't that a man's job? In asia, it is. So the next time he doesnt lock the gates, be sure he will be sleeping on the other side. 😡
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
@Harper We tend to pretend there's no such thing as a "Man's job" or a "Woman's job" in the West. But from my cultural point of view, we tend to have higher expectations of women, flipping some locks isn't the hardest thing in the world, is it? Or do you have to fight off tiger's to get to the gate? lol.
But yes, I agree it would be the man's job to protect the family.
But sure, I was thinking conceptually since you were pretty ambiguous about what the specific issue was, so I threw a general issue out there. In a relationship where they're comfortable, women tend to give more masculine requests with more frequency. Especially if the man is not much of a man.
Anyways, why are you staying with him if he's failing his job?
But yes, I agree it would be the man's job to protect the family.
But sure, I was thinking conceptually since you were pretty ambiguous about what the specific issue was, so I threw a general issue out there. In a relationship where they're comfortable, women tend to give more masculine requests with more frequency. Especially if the man is not much of a man.
Anyways, why are you staying with him if he's failing his job?