I Have Something to Say
More unpopular opinions by yours truly. 🤷
This is a post from Uncle George. It was funny but my unpopular opinion has to do with the habit of writing out your actions in a text, as though you’re there in front of the person. “Hugs you tightly, rubs your back, kisses your forehead.” Its just silliness to me. “Makes you a sandwich” isn’t going to do anything to stop my stomach from growling!
Yup, that’s it.
This is a post from Uncle George. It was funny but my unpopular opinion has to do with the habit of writing out your actions in a text, as though you’re there in front of the person. “Hugs you tightly, rubs your back, kisses your forehead.” Its just silliness to me. “Makes you a sandwich” isn’t going to do anything to stop my stomach from growling!
Yup, that’s it.
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