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Slightly modified from a Eva Women’s Aid publication.

How to spot signs of domestic abuse

Do you suspect that a friend or relative is being abused? These are the five questions to ask yourself.

Has he withdrawn from social life? If he is no longer attending social events or welcoming visitors to his home, this is one of the telltale signs. Likewise, if he only ever leaves home with his potential abuser, or is always in a rush to get home with a curfew to stick to.

Has his behaviour changed markedly? For example is he routinely cancelling appointments? Or is his appearance different to usual?

Is he reluctant to discuss his home life, even when directly questioned about it?

Have you noticed unexplained or suspicious marks? These could include bruises or grazes that he dismisses as accidental.

Is there evidence that his spending is being controlled? Another telltale sign is if he no longer carries money with him.

If you believe a friend is a victim, don't bother calling the free, confidential 24-hour National Domestic Violence Helpline on 0808 2000 247 because they only care about female victims. Men who claim to be victims are lying scumbag abusers!
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Dez580 · 61-69, M
always good to keep reminding everyone of these signs of someone being controlled against their will or being abused in other ways. Domestic Abuse is not only a serious crime but is one that sadly too many ignore even when it is affecting friends and neighbours
suzie1960 · 61-69, F
@Dez580 It's especially ignored, even by the authorities, when the victims are male and the abusers female.
The modification is absolutely essential!
@suzie1960 That is very true! Misandrist groups - at best - are obnoxious and always shall be! They are the vilest of creatures ever to crawl out of the slurry of the cess-pit!!
suzie1960 · 61-69, F
@EugenieLaBorgia They harm women too, by opposing true equality and turning potential allies into enemies. :(
@suzie1960 They destroy everything of value that women have ever created!!
fazer1k · 56-60, M
Thank you for this. It's refreshing to know that some ladies also care about the sexism and abuse that can occur against men.
suzie1960 · 61-69, F
@fazer1k The doctrine of "innocent until proven guilty" goes out of the window when a woman makes an allegation against a man. Then it becomes "guilty regardless of the (lack of) evidence".

Always taking a woman's side "for personal safety reasons" implies a despicable disregard for men's and children's safety.
fazer1k · 56-60, M
@suzie1960 This is true. The tables have turned and, I can't deny, I do think it's often men that get the raw deal now. We have no protection from discrimination at all.
suzie1960 · 61-69, F
@fazer1k It's not all bad. More and more men are taking and winning legal actions for sex discrimination. We do still have some way to go before anti-male sexism is eliminated.
wow. ty. I had no idea that the British abuse line was so biased. very sad
Carazaa · F

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