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I Have Something to Say

After travelling for almost 24 hours in a bus with slightly uncivilized people and being forced to interact with some of them,I've realized two things. 1) I'm a very patient person and I'm not as impulsive as I thought 2) I can go another year or perhaps ten without needing to interact with people.

Time to go back to my books!
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Pretzel · 61-69, M
people serve a purpose
they provide internet and hand food through the drive thru window

that's about it :)
Gallantio · 46-50, M
😂😂 this is a relief from that perspective
Pretzel · 61-69, M
Next time Original - take an air horn :)

Morala sam...

EDIT: Ne želi pustiti film od 6 minute i 38 sekunde. Mah, klikni donji link za bolji doživljaj.
Originalme · 26-30, F
Phahah,kako si se setilaaaa ovoga? :D

Boze ova muzika na pocetku i sam pogled na autobus mi je vratilo secanja,sad kao da sve prezivljavam ponovo!
Iskreno, nedavno su me prijatelji čudno gledali kako ne znam to, pa sam morala da pogledam XD Doživljaj svakako!
Šta je tako loše? Kad sam ja bila u BG-u i koristila voz, naporan mi je bio glas koji me gnjavi kako se ne smije pušiti.

Ironije li, nikad nisam doživjela naporne ljude u busu, više u vlaku, možda zato što zauzimam više sjedana XD ali mogu zamisliti. Socijalno retardirani jednostavno ne kuže da ti putuješ i imaš drugačiju "briju" u glavi. Ja putujem kući i onda mi jedan nudi pivo. Nisam u tom stanju. Ignoriranje ide daleko.
I hate greyhound buses. 😈
Originalme · 26-30, F
Buses in my country are safe it's just that after all that travelling people became nervous and started acting uncivilized,the trip was organized by the government and people there were all somehow into politics so I expected them to act differently. I was quite shocked by the things I've seen and heard.
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MenzernaSF4000 · 36-40, M
That's my girl. So proud of you.
livesincar · 41-45, M
I had to ride greyhound bus from new York to florida. 3 day ordeal after lung surgery. They are awfull and hustlers all over the stops and people sneaking on board at stops and crooks use em a lot and man it scary.
Its a pipeline for drugs...alert the authorities!!!
Pherick · 41-45, M
I can't imagine being a younger woman on a bus like that. The stories my friends tell me, about what people think its OK to say and do to them. Makes me want to hit people.
Originalme · 26-30, F
I was in a shock for quite some time. Some people really have no boundaries and no consideration for other people's feelings or privacy. It makes me want to kick them as well but I'm a non violent sort so I think it would hurt me more than it would hurt them haha!
Pherick · 41-45, M
I have had to sit next to younger woman on planes before and I always go out of my way to sit to the far side and not really say much. I am sure they dread it and if someone was up in my space and saying creepy things to me, I would too.

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