RemovedUsername411079 · 41-45, C
I saw this news last night! RIP to a true hero to many.
Cierzo · M
RIP. Now he will discover what he could not find in life: God.
BigHeadScience · 41-45, F
I just found out about it this morning when someone mentioned it on here. RIP to a true genius.
Azaleakisses · 46-50, F
If it wasn't for this post I wouldn't have known. RIP he was a brilliant man.
berangere · 80-89, F
He must have felt so elated when he was free of gravity and floated.He gave so much to the world.RIP.

Gotta be a relief to not have to struggle with his physical restraints
room101 · 51-55, M
@SW-User The thing is, he never let what was happening to his body restrain him. He was diagnosed with motor neurone disease in 1963 and was given two years to live.

@room101 oh I know amazing..but apparently he got very frustrated at times. Fascinating brain hadn’t he?? Some of his stuff I never understood despite reading a million times over!!
Belledejour · 51-55, F
Rip, he is now legendary.
room101 · 51-55, M
@Belledejour IMHO, he was legendary before his passing.
Belledejour · 51-55, F
@room101 Indeed