I'm more scared of cricketers!!😧
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No way I'd be walking alone at night.. I'm scared of the dark as it is. 😲
WarmAtNight · M
Nothing. I live in a nice neighborhood. I like wildlife
MisVirtuous · 46-50, F
It's when the crickets stop that you should be afraid... 😯
Jesusfan1999 · 22-25, F
Yeah, I'm terrified of the dark and being alone too.

Crickets don't bother me. I don't walk alone at night past a certain time. I just take a taxi.
LadyBronte · 56-60, F
Neither. It's pretty safe where I live.
Jesusfan1999 · 22-25, F
Muggers, but I'm not really scared of either because I don't really have any valuables or money.
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Hdryder555 · 61-69, M
Of the crickets
WarmAtNight · M
Why are you scared of crickets
WarmAtNight · M
Spoiledbrat · F

I'm more afraid of cricketing muggers
Jesusfan1999 · 22-25, F
I doubt muggers would target a little girl on crutches.
Radical · 31-35
Muggers. There's also a pretty high chance of getting killed for no real reason where I'm at.
TheProphet · M
Spoiledbrat · F
I would be if I saw one. They're hideous.
SweetDreamsRubi · 31-35, F
muggers 😱
ninjapuppy · 36-40, F
@AfterDark They look like roaches in the dark and if they get scared they jump in the air aimlessly.
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