Serenitree · F
I might be sexy when I'm dead, but not yet.
Sunnykel76 · 46-50, F
Grammar isn't my strong suite.
Foreverinlove · 46-50, F
Weirdly yes, and it's not about physical appearance since I don't put much importance on my look, I don't even wear makeup. Someone at work told me today that there was something in the way I look at people, smile and act that draws people in. I was quite flattered :)
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I really don't care anymore and either does the cat.

Maybe to a blind person.
Pretzel · 61-69, M
one out of two maybe - sometimes

Lol.... I wish. But I'm ok... at least my wife thinks so...

I'm the opposite

Yup, that's me...
Sunnykel76 · 46-50, F
I'm ok :)

Mister Guniea piggy seems to fink so
FreeSpirit1 · F
one foot in the grave sexy
Fredbloggs · 31-35, M
Haha I wouldn't call myself sexy by any stretch of the imagination.
Do you consider yourself sexy?
Do you consider yourself sexy?

I don't think I'm either of those things, so I'd say no
HatsOnFrogs · 26-30, M
I hope not. Im much rather be live sexy... :P
luckranger71 · 51-55, M
The latter, not the former.
YoMomma ·
Well I think you're a very nice person @Totality
Define please :?
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
No, but you're getting close...
Justafunguy · 46-50, M
Without a doubt, you are
YoMomma ·
No I'm still alive.. Yay

I'll tell you when I'm 💀
Sam4358 · 46-50, M
Did you miss a mark of punctuation? "Are you dead, sexy?" I hope not! "Are you dead-sexy?" is a much better question.
Of course, I am kidding. I hope you don't mind me teasing you.
Now, to answer your question. I would like to think I can answer "yes" to the second question and remain honest! ;)
Of course, I am kidding. I hope you don't mind me teasing you.
Now, to answer your question. I would like to think I can answer "yes" to the second question and remain honest! ;)

Hell no.. I'm not even noticeable
Furiousfrog · 31-35, M
To tree: what the heck!?
Christone956 · 31-35, M
Sunny, I think you are dead sexy
Zonuss · 46-50, M
Maybe. I try not to be. =)
Smokey · 46-50, M
Drop dead sexy