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I Have a Question

Why do so many people post about wanting to be nude in the woods (it's an actual group). Between the ticks, hunters and poison ivy.... Am I missing something?
Pixiedust · 41-45, F
@Wilbury it doesn't take a post that elaborate to get guys to react lol. All it takes for the guys is the 18-21 age group bracket to be under a girls name. Just saying.
Offthetop · 51-55, M
It is sexy in a National Geographic kind of way.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@Pixiedust I guess all the drums and screaming would at least keep away the hunters.

All this was preceded in the 1960's by "sensitivity sessions". I went to a few, and my impression was that there was an expected outcome, an expected set of "spontaneous" behaviors, an expected kind of self-revelation.(We were all supposed to end up hugging each other, embrace nonviolence, and oppose the Vietnam war!) I have the impression that these later men's activities were similar in that a particular agenda was pre-set. It all strikes me as manipulative, even if benignly so.
Well your facility was full of rats Dr Will o.O *runs away in flapping robe*
bhatjc · 46-50, M
@jarjar. That is true. they want to be naked and afraid.
lightningblue · 26-30, M
they want racoons to see them naked I guess
JarJarBoom · 41-45, F
didn't you hear??! Thats the new trend!
DrWatson · 70-79, M
Years ago, when phrases like "the new men's movement" were popular, there were a number of authors promoting male self-awareness in various ways. One of these approaches was to return to one's animal roots by going into the woods, getting naked, crawling around, grunting, order to discover your innate masculinity, devoid of society-imposed expectations. There actually were men's retreats in which this sort of thing happened. (And according to one eye-witness description I once read, the men were actively encouraged to fart during this!)

Not my cup of tea! But then again, cups of tea are societally imposed, aren't they?
Idk I I wrote a whole big long romantical poem (in my head once) about hooking up in house coats in the woods at dusk.. I wish I could remember it all.. But I can't..
Pixiedust · 41-45, F
@Wilbury Hey don't you remember Mrs Roper from Threes Company? She rocked those robes ( totally dated myself with that reference lol)
bhatjc · 46-50, M
besides if any one wants to be naked out in the woods. Lets step back in time. When their was less people around. And you could make love out on a blanket.
That show was pretty robe heavy. Janet and Crissy sported them too. Maybe it was a 70s thing inspired by Hef. There I've dated myself older than you spring chicken.
TJ0695 · 41-45, M
Ikr. I got poison on my feet last weekend and it's been bugging the hell out of me, I can't imagine getting it in my nether regions lol
Robes in woods at dusk: I'd assume that you had wandered away from some facility and needed help to get home.

Super sexy I know.
Pixiedust · 41-45, F
@Bhatjc But then the pine needles permanently lodged in crevices, sticking to the OFF bugspray. Maybe I'm over thinking this.
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bhatjc · 46-50, M
That is true pine needles do girl. but their are some places with out those things
Picklebobble · 56-60, M
Not my idea of fun either!
But hey, each to their own!
MrsKatherineArch · 41-45, F
It doesn't sound appealing to me either
Ivana · F
naked & Afraid got to them
I need to find that group 😊
Skunks, dear... skunks.
Lol live dangerously
bhatjc · 46-50, M
Or the forest rangers .
Pixiedust · 41-45, F
@DrWatson I used to have a colleague who was a Gestalt therapist. He would hold men's groups like that where they would beat on drums and scream. Interesting stuff.
Well, after thinking about it, you wouldn't have to worry about being catcalled or groped. There is a certain freedom in it I guess? But yeah.. ticks and snakes.
So the old guys will post their reactions and beg for more?

That seems to motivate most of the posts around here.
Fredbloggs · 31-35, M
When you find it fancybaby let me know and I will be
Pixiedust · 41-45, F
@Fishing you must be going to the wrong woods
Pixiedust · 41-45, F
@EpicFail I wondered where my housecoats went!

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