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CompNerd89 · 31-35, M
I do worry about homelessness in the future because I've had a lot of trouble finding work, and as it stands now, I haven't paid enough into Social Security to collect it later.

PeanutsauntieP1982 · 41-45, F
Corvo, the only way to defeat your fears is to face them. If you're scared of debt, find a way to make a few wise investments, and maybe talk to a banker about a special account to help you save. You have to be able to name your fears to beat them. I faced my worst fear, and came out stronger. That's how I'm reasonably certain I can handle anything that comes my way. It helps to believe in yourself too.
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
no, I'm more afraid of just getting old
PeanutsauntieP1982 · 41-45, F
I've been homeless before. So am I worried about it when I'm older? Nah. I prefer to remain hopeful about the future. I believe I can rise to, meet, and defeat, any trials or tribulations sent my way in the future. I'm a fighter inside, and to **** if I'm giving up!
Trying to live on disability has already prepared me for it. Many times I have been a hospital visit away from having no rent money. Hopefully I will get a new small house built next year and won't owe too much. That will save me
icyreb · M
got a nice house that is bought and paid for..and the insurance money i'll collect when I burn this money burner down will be substantial
nolongerhere · 100+, M
I'm aware it's.a strong possibility some how though I am not freaking out to much, maybe I am an optimist under my pessimism
I think it sucks when it might happen, in summer it's maybe not a prob but here in winter, naah thanks...
No, bit I've seen more strange things, so never say never.
coolman86 · 36-40, M
then I could finally go on adventures
xCorvo · 26-30, M
I'm afraid of a lot.. like being swarmed in debt
Windsylph · F
I just want the chance to get old :)
smiler2012 · 56-60
extremenext Chelsea yes the thought has crossed my mind on a few occasions but i have good family who would never see me stuck for a roof over my head
TJ0695 · 41-45, M
No, my fear is that I will lose my mind :( and for good this time
karinaal · 70-79, F
Of course not, I live in a civilised country.
If that's my destination, I will face it bravely.

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