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Is she weird or just overly prepared for the future?

I have this friend who’s super weird ( some of you may know which one I’m talking about)

And she has this weird superstition in which she doesn't like planning things more than 6 months in advanced because she says that she might die and that life isn’t guaranteed. 😬

For example, a few of my friends and I are planning a trip to Orlando sometime this year. And when we asked her about it she was like “ idk, I may not be around” She even has her funeral arrangements planned apparently… 🪦

That’s kinda weird right? She’s a lovely, positive girl overall except for this.

Let me know chat 💬 what are your thoughts/ opinions?
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SwampFlower · 31-35, F
It almost sounds like how my OCD manifests. Not like that exactly but our intrusive thoughts could be cousins 😂

I don't think this is normal behavior regardless of what it is.
Ashly · 26-30, F
@SwampFlower I’ve never met anyone else like this

Yes it’s strange, I’ll talk to her about this next time I see her
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
@Ashly It isn't really uncommon. What is uncommon is how open she is about it and acting like it's totally normal.
Ashly · 26-30, F
@SwampFlower I see
Yea I’m negative af about certain things but I keep them to myself
Reject · 26-30, M
It’s good to acknowledge that we can die at any time to help you appreciate things more, but if you don’t want to plan for anything, that makes me wonder if you appreciate at all.
Reject · 26-30, M
@Ashly I don’t think it’s disrespectful! You’re just curious about your friend and maybe a little concerned. That’s how all friends should be. It is indeed a little odd, but my biggest worry there is not wanting to plan anything. That’s not good for anyone. So I hope she can find reasons be excited about the future again.
Ashly · 26-30, F
@Reject thank you for understanding 🫂 life is meant to be enjoyed and lived
We’re all gonna go sometime, when that happens, it’s just the way it is
Reject · 26-30, M
@Ashly Of course. You’re right too. Enjoy and live life! Don’t hide from it. I’d try to talk to her about it just to be sure of things. That could really help.
It's never too early to discuss your wishes for your funeral, but actually planning it already is a bit much, and not planning anything else is absolutely strange. On the off chance she does pass away, her ticket can probably be cancelled and she won't the money then anymore anyway.
Ashly · 26-30, F
@NerdyPotato to me it is weird, like I’ve never met someone who thinks like that. And yea stuff gets canceled all the time, you most likely will get a refund so idk why she has that sort of mentality 😕
Pfuzylogic · M
I would say that she personally experienced something pretty traumatic that she hasn’t shared.
Ashly · 26-30, F
@Pfuzylogic that’s what im thinking, like I’ve know her for years now but there might be something’s that she hasn’t shared yet
Strongtea · 22-25, M
That is pretty strange, I hope she’s ok.
Ashly · 26-30, F
@Strongtea blind dates are either really good or really bad
Never in between 😱
Strongtea · 22-25, M
Haha, yes you’re right! I’ve only been on two in my life and one was really nice and the other was pretty awful so your theory works. Our friends could change the energy of the universe!!@Ashly
Ashly · 26-30, F
@Strongtea yea I’m never doing blind dates again 😅

☯ when opposites collide, idk what happens but I hope they hit it off 😁
I think personallyyy thats pretty morbid and i legit couldnt/wouldnt deal with it
Ashly · 26-30, F
@TryingtoLava it is I know ☹
She’s probably gonna outlive the rest of us in our group 😂
Has she expressed any anxieties in any other area in her life? Any patterned behaviour? Because this is more than superstition, it's paranoia.
Ashly · 26-30, F
@HijabaDabbaDoo not that I’m aware of, she’s one of the most cheerful people that I know
She’s helped me while I was at my lowest a few months ago 😔

She’s one of those people that you don’t feel the need to worry about but yea I think it’s very weird that she thinks like this ☹
dale74 · M
Well they say you should always have a lot of short-term goals he should have 6 months of goals one year goals five year goals and 10 years of goals otherwise you're never going to get to where you want to be in the end
Ashly · 26-30, F
@dale74 I understand that but you have to live life, it’s already short as it is ☹
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Isn't she depressive? I hope she isn't that type who actually vaguely plans something else.
Ashly · 26-30, F
@CrazyMusicLover she’s usually very positive and an very spontaneous, likes to live in the now
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@Ashly Good. Once I heard a story from a girl who suffered from a major depressive disorder in her teenage years and she always slacked school because she didn't even plan anything for future. She took it like she didn't need to finish school because she wouldn't even be around by then.
Ashly · 26-30, F
@CrazyMusicLover oh wow ☹ Depression is no joke.

I hope she’s ok now 🫶
Casheyane · 31-35, F
Check up on her once in a while. Let her know you care.

But only if you do mean it and would act on it
Ashly · 26-30, F
@Casheyane I will 🫶
sp1dwoOfe221 · 31-35, M
sounds like she just doesn't want anyone to wind up any more disappointed than they have to be, eh.
especially if she's a goth or smthng, u kno..🤷‍♂
Ashly · 26-30, F
@sp1dwoOfe221 she’s alt, not necessarily goth but yea I see what you mean
sp1dwoOfe221 · 31-35, M
@Ashly "don't cry for me, anyone...i'm already dead"

~*faints for the fifth time in a day*~
Ashly · 26-30, F
@sp1dwoOfe221 she was a theatre geek in HS so maybe shes still performing her role? 😆
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
Is she older/have cancer or suicidal?
Ashly · 26-30, F
@TheRascallyOne she’s a year younger than me but I’ve know her for a few years now and she’s never had those kind of thoughts

And no cancer that I’m aware of
I pray she doesn’t have that 🥺
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
@Ashly i would ask her

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