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To those who have experienced coercive control and manipulation...

Did it make you feel very anxious and confused? Did you have physical symptoms? Nausea? Shaking?

I appreciate input on this, I know it's hard to talk about.

I'm not in any relationship, just trying to understand what I went through.
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Starcrossed · 41-45, F
Yes all of the above, confusion, anxiety, constantly felt I needed to 'walk on eggshells', nausea, tension, over reactive responses to physical touch...
I came to question my own judgement on nearly everything. A lot of negative somatic effect on my body I'm still trying to recognize and work through years later, my body is pretty much permanently tense. Even after a professional massage.
@Starcrossed thank you for sharing what you're going through. It's hard to hear the sweetest people here have felt this 😔
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
I had nausea, anxiety, immense fear, heightened sense of awareness and hearing too; on alert 24/7 Shaking 24/7, fear of everything. Fear of coming home. Fear of sleeping. No ability to relax my thoughts and feelings.

Even though I haven’t had any of it happen in a very long time, I still get one particularly trigger that brings it all back. It’s a particular genre of music as soon as I hear it. It all comes back
Jeephikelove · 51-55, F
Yes! Very anxious and confused, because I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. My body let me know this wasn’t right and I would have unexplained anger, again my body and soul knew it wasn’t right. It was so undercurrent and he made me look like the crazy one.
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
@MarbleMarvel it’s true. I look back and the signs were there but I’d never been abused by anyone before and I didn’t understand what was happening. Especially while he told me the whole time that it was my fault and I’m the one effing everything up
@Jenny1234 yup! I had no idea either. They keep you in a state of confusion and tear away your self worth, all while making you believe you need to try harder. It's sick.
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
@MarbleMarvel I hope you’ll be able to get past it. Just know your own self worth and remember it was never you. It was always him
FelicityDavenport · 26-30, F
Only attempted, but yes...anxiety that people were watching me and that I would have disapprovement from my then boyfriend.

Physically? I recall headaches and stomach aches. Friends said, in some way, that I was 'smaller', whatever that meant.
@FelicityDavenport thank you for sharing. I'm sorry you know the feeling. Yes I know exactly what you mean by smaller! I felt invisible and like I needed to shrink even more.
FelicityDavenport · 26-30, F
@MarbleMarvel Awwww.....

Yes. I just wanted nobody to notice. It does screw your head up. That baggage. I'm second guessing and taking things as negative pointers, if that makes sense? Expecting the worse so I can say to myself 'See? I was right.'; difficult to unlearn.
I had moments of severe panic, not knowing how he'd react over stupid silly things. Wondering how i was going to be made to feel all the blame, in a sense punished for every little thing, when majority of the time wasn't even me or anything under my control.

When i felt anxious and never happy anymore. No joy. That's when I knew had to break free.
@Bexsy thank you for sharing your experience. Ya know, it's crazy how you don't even realize it's happening because you have no idea anyone would create that dynamic. It's evil.
Notsimilarreally · 31-35, F
Yes. Like panic attack symptoms, severe
I over-ate and severely depressed. Anxiety goes hand in hand with all that.
@Ozymandiaz Did you feel kind of insane? Like you were losing yourself?

I hope you are far far away from it 🖤
@MarbleMarvel I did go insane. I did lose myself.
@Ozymandiaz thank you for what you shared. It truly helps 🖤
Yourwildestdreams · 51-55, M
It’s normal feelings. 😔
JackOatMon · 46-50, M
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@nonsensiclesnail Thank you. This is so sad but so empowering at the same time. All these strange things we develop, being kept in a constant state of stress yet not able to leave... I was so naive.

Thank you for sharing. It helps so much to hear that it's real, I'm not getting dementia or turning into someone else. Wow.

I'm sorry you are still struggling with it after all this time. You are awesome 🫂
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