SoulKey Best Comment
If cause and effect shapes your life, I believe free will is what gives it color.
Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
I believe we have free will.
I can choose to answer this or I can choose not to.
That is my free will.
Things that happen to me are not my free will ,however, they may be the product of someone else's free will.
Or it just might be a cause and effect, something caused by myself with the choices I made with my own free will.
Or something might happen that I have no control over such as sickness.
And then I have free will to make choices in order to cope or deal, or not, with things that are out of my control.
I can choose to answer this or I can choose not to.
That is my free will.
Things that happen to me are not my free will ,however, they may be the product of someone else's free will.
Or it just might be a cause and effect, something caused by myself with the choices I made with my own free will.
Or something might happen that I have no control over such as sickness.
And then I have free will to make choices in order to cope or deal, or not, with things that are out of my control.
We can exercise free will in free countries, within certain constraints. The constraints are generally the law, if law abiding, nature and the actions of others and their respective outcomes. If everything were cause and effect we would merely bob along on the waves whereas we can actually swim in a direction. Sometimes the waves alter that direction.
I don't believe in any divine predetermination. Only the forces that I mentioned above, the law, nature and the actions of others. If I'm within the law, I am of good health and people don't get in my way then I can largely determine my path and the only other constraints are what is possible given my ability and physics.
I don't believe in any divine predetermination. Only the forces that I mentioned above, the law, nature and the actions of others. If I'm within the law, I am of good health and people don't get in my way then I can largely determine my path and the only other constraints are what is possible given my ability and physics.
akindheart · 61-69, F
another topic near my heart. People argue and say they have free will. i believe we can make day to day decisions but i serously wonder if we are on a predestined path. i went to school to be a teacher. ended up in another line of work. every single time i tried, i could not get into teaching..
Samek · 36-40, M
@akindheart Gotta get ready for work. May elaborate later but yes, I believe that we as a species lie in between the two concepts; a mix of small choices and sociological pressures.
twistedrope · 26-30, M
I mean yeah. :/ If whales can beach themselves and animals can suffer from physical manifestations of emotional turmoil, just as much as humans, why shouldn't there be free will? Everyone has the choice to live, betray, dream, whatever. If a dream of a place I have never been, of an idea can affect me then of course there is free will.
To deny it in my opinion is to reject any invention that took a lot of effort. That it took the hard more complete path then just the shortest quickest path.
To deny it in my opinion is to reject any invention that took a lot of effort. That it took the hard more complete path then just the shortest quickest path.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
Many times I have felt too often my being in the right place and right time could not have been accidental.
NoGamesTolerated · F
We will always have free will to choose between good and evil.
Different · 31-35, M
Free will i mean look at how our prisons are filled up lol
Shadyglow · F
no I do not

One is never free. That's the wrong question. Even if you live in a culture that promotes free will you are bound to the ideas of what they define as free will, often forgetting family and love, and the cultures who don't promote free will as much often are much more loving without such treatise upon "man" what they must be. Ir's a fool's errand we are born into.
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
Jumps on your back 🐰
Samek · 36-40, M
@TheRascallyOne Lets gooooo!
Felina · F
I don’t have time to answer this in depth rn .. this stuff is fascinating tho right 🤓