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I’ve spent most the day arguing with gen x

Why do some of them choose to believe onlt certain facts, disregard actually facts and call their own opinion facts?
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
Believing and not believing in certain facts is multi-generational. If we all agreed all the time things would be incredibly dull and a bit 1984-ish.

Also, why argue? Just say what you want to say and move forward. Arguing just fuels the fire.
BatmanIRL · T
@Pinkstarburst not really no, I’ll prove my point, provide evidence and try argue it. But if someone point blank refuses to believe proven facts then I’ll just do my best to piss them off
@BatmanIRL Sounds like troll behavior.
BatmanIRL · T
@MsSwan me trolling them?
WhyThooo · 31-35
I'm gonna say they are right and you are projecting based on your profile picture.
BatmanIRL · T
@WhyThooo okay
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
That's not really specific to Gen X unfortunately, it's just that the people you are most likely to disagree with are Gen X lol
@CountScrofula My parents had three Baby Boomers (‘60,’62,’64) and one GenXr (‘74) and it felt like we were a generation away from the youngest.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@bijouxbroussard Yeah I like to say generations don't exist until it's -really obvious- that they do.
@CountScrofula The "Baby" wondered while she was growing up if she might actually be my child. Mom reassured her that our family was not nearly that interesting. 😊
black4white · 56-60, M
Hey you just described all of MAGA followers LMAO
BatmanIRL · T
@black4white exactly
Just make sure to troll them too, so it's fun.
BatmanIRL · T
@BohemianBoo I have been. I don’t think they’ve understood I stopped arguing with them hours ago. I’m just trying my hardest to piss them off
@BatmanIRL Bee tee dubs, sometimes if you look at the number of views vs comments a post gets, you'll notice that a few people here comment regularly, but there are way more people who come here just to lurk and I guess chat privately. So while you'll never win over the conservatarded lunatics, you can educate the lurkers.
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SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
That's a trait that cuts across generations.
RubySoo · 56-60, F
I think thats people in general, not just Genx
arguing with a GenX you say? lolz

BatmanIRL · T
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout that’s a more accurate description of “arguing” except I wasn’t wrong
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