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What do you feel you need

To have a good life? What is holding you back right now?

What have you tried to do about it? What worked? What didn't?
YourFriend4ever · 26-30, F
To have a good life: 1. remembrance of God 2. well paying job 3. fit body

Holding me back: 1. laziness, depression, lack of faith love and devotion.
2. Lack of skills, depression, fear of giving interviews because i did not study well to give interviews.
3. Depression, laziness, procastination

For 3rd i don't know the answer, im stuck in life.
Ananke · 26-30, F
@YourFriend4ever Wow what a thoughtful response! I have some questions to try to understand a little better. Please bear with me!

In regards to what you feel you need...

1. How does your remembrance of God help you have a good life? What benefits do you feel it brings you? (I am always curious to learn how peoples' spiritualities help them and how they understand spirituality.)

2. Do you associate a well-paying job with happiness? There are many with very well paying jobs who are not happy....we need money to survive. But...we also need work that inspires us and reminds of our talents to survive. Something to keep in mind.

3. Do you associate having a fit body with happiness? I would like to point out as well...there are many with fit bodies who are not happy. There are many benefits to being in shape. don't have to be slim to be in shape....or beautiful to everyone. Another thing to keep in mind. There are some people who may weigh more...but are waaaay more tolerant of physical activity than other skinnier people. Lol. Have you seen those obese drag queens work the catwalk?? Lmao. Weight...isn't the key to happiness. In fact the fixation itself on more often an obstacle to happiness for many.
Ananke · 26-30, F
@YourFriend4ever In regards to what you feel is holding you back....

1. Laziness. What makes you feel lazy? having the ability to do something. But purposefully choosing not to...for purely selfish reasons. Laziness. True laziness. Is saying...not my problem. You deal with it. When is your problem. Do you feel this is what you do? Or....could it be possible you struggle...but you and others do not fully understand they say you are just lazy and at fault?

Depression. How does it hold you back currently? Do you feel there are reasons for your depression? What do you feel is trapping you in this state?

Lack of faith, love, devotion. Do you feel...if you loved God more...gave more of yourself to God...God would give more to you? You feel you do not already give all the love you can to God? If so...why would you choose not to do so? Is there some sort of obstacle you are facing here in your opinion?

2. Lack of skills. What skills do you feel you should have...but do not? Furthermore I'd like to ask...why do you think you do not have these skills currently? And...what do you feel is preventing you from acquiring them?

Fear of giving interviews because you were not educated well in the interview process. Do you think receiving an appropriate education and guidance in this area will help you with this fear? What is preventing you from seeking this education and guidance?

3. Procrastination. What do you find that you tend to procrastinate on? Why do you do this from your perspective?

Sorry it's sooo many questions i know 😆
robertsnj · 56-60, M
life is obstacle course. We just all need to be better at navigating the tricky parts as opposed to wishing the course was different

cool question though
Depends on your definition of "Good Life".
Ananke · 26-30, F
@ABCDEF7 What would your definition be?
@Ananke First thing is ensuring you understand, what you want out of this life. Second, ensuring you are on the right path and doing right things. You should be happy & satisfied with that. Other things don't matter, as you are not in control of them.
I'm not really sure to be honest.
Ananke · 26-30, F
@NerdyPotato Hmm! Do you know what you like or dislike about your life?
@Ananke also not really. A few things, but nothing major. I guess I'm pretty happy overall.
Bang5luts · M
Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
Honestly financials are holding me back from happiness
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