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I Have a Question

Which do you like better, rain or snow?
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daddybloke · 46-50, M
snow initially looks so beautiful but soom becomes a pain and a danger, so probably rain, never thought i'd be saying that lol
Wizardry · 46-50, M
drhhh · 41-45, M
Warlock · M
Snow for sure. It’s very peaceful.
Rain it doesn’t need to be shovelled, and it doesn’t stick around for months on end.
Princessjen · 22-25, F
Depends on snow storm i hate small snowstorms if getting a ft or more def snow.
Snow while having him inside me😊
@SW-User "Inside" of your repeatedly. Here comes the 1000s of dms!
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
When it's winter, I want snow. It looks beautiful.
ArkBallet · F
@JimboSaturn Yeah I know what you mean, it's a lot more drab looking when there's no snow, everything just looks more sad and depressing lol
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
@ArkBallet Exactly! You must be a northerner lol
ArkBallet · F
@JimboSaturn Yup lol, Olympic Peninsula in Washington state, pretty close to Hurricane Ridge.
Both in moderation. Any that disrupts the daily schedule of work of civilization is No good for all concerned.
Depends on the season. Right now heading into fall: loving on the colors.
Around freezing neither, well above freezing rain, decently below freezing snow
swirlie · F
Freezing rain.
Tiredish · F
Getting downpours twice a week here in Wisconsin, so Im shifting to hot and dry for a bit.
Wow, in 2018 I liked rain better but I lean towards snow now.
mostly snow because it is less frequent than rain
Strongtea · 22-25, M
Snow to have fun in, rain to listen too.
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
Snow is prettier but rain is more practical
littlematthew123 · 22-25, M
rain caus if I go out in snow I get put in a snowsute an I cant move even
Panamared · 70-79, M
Rain, i do not like cold, it is cold when it snows
GerOttman · 61-69, M
rain if im inside, snow if I'm outside

Depends on the amount actually.
john12 · M
snow is better u can have fun with snow
Dshhh · M
I live by Seattle.. so,, rain
Snow. Dry fluffy powder snow
MichaelT · 41-45, M
Depends........ both comfort me.
dale74 · M
Both for different reasons I like the snow because it makes it nice to have a nice fire and cuddle by a fire and they have snowball fights and I like the rain because I just love hearing the rain pouring down and lightning and such in the distance with the thunder
benJohnson99 · 18-21, M
I like both
benJohnson99 · 18-21, M
neither tbh x
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Pretzel · 61-69, M
I love a good thunderstorm
Scribbles · 36-40, F
Wizardry · 46-50, M
SoccerFan · 22-25, M
Pretzel · 61-69, M
TheScubaDiver · 36-40, M
You in the rain
funtravler · 36-40, F
That depends really! Sometimes like and hate them both!
Snow. Drew it can last longer, but that has both positive and negative…. I love the snowy feel and look.
Pretzel · 61-69, M
the snow is pretty as it falls but it disrupts traffic and is nasty as it melts

I nice rain shower (with a little thunder in the distance) helps you to sleep
mrh1972 · MVIP
Neither but if i have to chose between the two, i would say rain, its harder to push my chair in the snow.
MrSimons · 41-45, M
I prefer rain. I love listening to the sound of rain falling, provided I am not out in it at the time!
Coolkid77 · 31-35, M
Rain because it's easier to drive in and causes less problems than snow.
Snow. Theres an ethereal grace and beauty to it.

Hard choice, I love them both.
AbbyS94 · F
Well we don't really get snow here but plenty of rain in winter so rain it is I guess 🙂
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Snow by far. I don't like the smell of rain and getting wet in cold weather.
IWasCallingYaLarry · 31-35, M
Probably rain. It's less to deal with than snow. Btw check your inbox soon, okay, hun :) ?

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