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GailCob · F
There was a book published years ago. It's main title was "GOD'S APOLOGY- A CELEBRATION OF FRIENDSHIP. The sub-title explained it " Friends are God's apology for relatives"
Itsjustme · 26-30, F
@GailCob iNeed to read this book!
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hlpflwthat · M
Because we tend to think of our own normal as everyone's normal. That's my explanation - I know that all families are not close. Mine is dysfunctional enough that I realize many people are not close with their family members.
Itsjustme · 26-30, F
@hlpflwthat that a very positive way to think about it :) that sucks that had to be his last words to her though. :(
hlpflwthat · M
Sadly, it was her words to him that were nasty. And she'd ignored a few of his phone calls and attempts to get over the whole issue. But yeah ... sometimes we don't get any do-over.
Itsjustme · 26-30, F
@hlpflwthat :( all we can do is try to guide and teach our future generations to do better.
BearDownChicago · 41-45, M
My parents ride me all the time for not staying in touch as much as I should. But distance and schedules makes it tough. I try and make an effort each week but then's hard

Even worst against extended family. Makes me nuts
acpguy · C
Good question. I am not close at all with mine. I was with my eldest brother but he died and the other two I do not keep in contact with at all.
Itsjustme · 26-30, F
@acpguy im so sorry about your brother :(
acpguy · C
@Itsjustme We all have to go sometime......haven't seen anyone leave upright yet.😁
I don't understand it myself. I'm close to my parents and sibling, but not to any relatives beyond my immediate family.
Itsjustme · 26-30, F
@Solenya Right. I'm not even close to my siblings because we've lived at different houses most our lives. It's so interesting that we can have relatives and not know them or even feel the need to most days
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
I have a aunt and uncle less then 20 miles from us. But I don't see them that often. Maybe at the grocery store once in awhile
Iamjessie · M
Idk, I don’t even speak to any of my relatives anymore lol. If it’s not my grandma or grandpa then idgaf 🤷‍♀️
mixtape · 22-25, F
bc family is everything. it's your tribe, blood, people.
mixtape · 22-25, F
@Itsjustme well that sucks
Itsjustme · 26-30, F
@mixtape I'm not saying they're bad people or anything. I just dont get the reasoning behind the expectation
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Because you share that lineage and heritage. Too bad closeness and trust don’t automatically follow. 😞

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