Men and their stupid macho bullshit
During lunch, I overheard some guy talk about experiencing pain with some problem he ahd. I didn't catch what, but it must be pretty bad, because someone else asked if it ever gets so bad that he screams out in pain and the guy responded defensively, saying something to the effect of "Of course not! Only little piss-ants scream in pain!" Lmao! I'm sure there are plenty of hardened military veterans out there who would love to have a word with that guy on that... Seriously, this idiotic idea that men can't show emotion to where they're not even supposed to express when they're in physical agony, the fact this is still being taught nowadays is just sad. I'm sure anyone who believe that nonsense think men who do that are pathetic. Well, I personally find the idea that a so-called "real man" is an insecure one who subscribes to outdated notions on how a man should act is pretty pathetic.