I don't. It's like I can sometimes see through reality, and the past, present and future exist all at once. The universe is an interesting place, y'all! So I figure there is a 50/50 shot that either I can, or I'm just nuts.
I feel real but inconsequential. My presence matters to few, my absence would probably be more of a positive than a negative. I’m simply trying to enjoy the space I occupy and not leave too big of a stain.
@TheLordOfHell oh yes, a few. I’m lucky to have them and not discounting that in my personal experience at all… Just that one has to acknowledge that it’s a drop in the ocean really, and my place in the big scheme is more like a random period at the end of a sentence in the dictionary. 😅
@Nebula I got the very distinct notion that humans were not meant to go that far. Like there were 2 forces at work that day. One trying to pull me on and fill my head with uderstanding, and another force was telling me that I was not ready, that I would never be ready in this life. My brain had not evolved enough to take in all that information