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Dressed as a girl dream.

I dream quite often about being forced to wear girl clothes. I say "forced" but in the dream it is always because I got my last set of boy clothes dirty, or I forgot my bag while going on a trip. Something of that nature. I would be telling everyone that I can't wear the girl clothes and telling them how bad they felt, but the entire time I was loving it. I would even try to get them to pick out girlier stuff for me. So in the dream I was trying to convince everyone that I did not like to dress in the girls clothes. But on the inside, I loved it and would do anything to keep wearing them for as long as posable.
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HumanEarth · 56-60, F
Do you ever wonder what dreams are and the meanings behind them?

I read about what some people say about them. Some of them I think are just people trying to make a name for themselves.

What do you think your dream is telling you, if anything at all?
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Robin2005 · 61-69, M
@silkydrawers Very scary but exciting at the same time.
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SilkandLace2 · 46-50, M
nativespirit · 61-69, M
Thank you for sharing. <3

Vivid description.

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