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Do you like your national anthem?

Iwillwait · M
Yes of course. It's Our Nation's Anthem.
popmol · 22-25, M
@Iwillwait ell that doesn't mean you like it :p
Iwillwait · M
@popmol I believe "Yes, Of Course," pretty much states I do.
popmol · 22-25, M
@Iwillwait no i meant about the part "it's our Nation's anthem" that doesn't make it clear or obvious xD but you saying yes does of course!
the melody to the U.S. national anthem - the Star-Spangled Banner - is based on a British drinking song. never considered whether or not i like it. i'm not much of a nationalist
popmol · 22-25, M
@SW-User well like it in a nationalistic or patriotic way is possible but what about you know how do you like the song as a song?
@popmol hmmm... it's not that great, no
popmol · 22-25, M
@SW-User haha xD
Carissimi · F
Yes, although I can’t remember the words. I can sing “God Save The Queen,” I wouldn’t sing it for the king. What you learn as a child you remember. What you hear only once in a while as an adult, it tends not to stick. I am absolutely patriotic though.
popmol · 22-25, M
@Carissimi haha i like it! here we at some learned a bit about it but didn't really care :p
popmol · 22-25, M
@Funlov is it canadian or american?
Funlov · M
@popmol 🇨🇦
BarbossasHusband · 36-40, M
It's a bit too "God is the guy" for me, but besides that it's cool enough
popmol · 22-25, M
@BarbossasHusband but you're up north is it god like odin or boring christian one?
BarbossasHusband · 36-40, M
@popmol christian one. Norse gods are from back around year 1000
popmol · 22-25, M
@BarbossasHusband disapointing ;( i'm glad they made a church for the old gods though!
ElRengo · 70-79, M
It´s an hym to human freedom.
popmol · 22-25, M
@ElRengo really?
ElRengo · 70-79, M
It begins with:

Hear, mortals, the holy shout:
Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!
Hear the sound of broken chains
See the noble Equality on the Throne.
popmol · 22-25, M
@ElRengo pretty cool sounding!
I feel indifferent about it
popmol · 22-25, M
@SW-User like you're different but still in or just meh?
@popmol i just don't care about such things
popmol · 22-25, M
@SW-User well i mean not in a patriotic sense but in actual song?
kodiac · 22-25, M
Needs more cowbell other than that it's ok.
Iwillwait · M
@kodiac Yes!
Not something I jam out to
popmol · 22-25, M
@SlippingAway haha :)
TristanRaven · 18-21, M
Yes it has a special place in my heart
popmol · 22-25, M
@TristanRaven is it like a build up of cholesterol?
Wiseacre · F
Yes, do u like urs?
popmol · 22-25, M
@Wiseacre its okay! pretty nice!
popmol · 22-25, M
@PetiteJulie01 which one is it?
popmol · 22-25, M
Neptun · 18-21, F
popmol · 22-25, M
@Nihiless really?
@popmol Yep
popmol · 22-25, M
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popmol · 22-25, M
@Fullmetal what?

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