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Getting the hang of it....

After a few false starts under different names, finally getting the hang of SW.

Forget "feeds" and suchlike options.

One response that gives me the warning sign...........BLOCK

Gradually SW becomes a more placid place to be.

dancingtongue · 80-89, M
I have found simply ignoring as effective as blocking, without disrupting access to anything. When they start labeling and demeaning, just say "I see you have nothing left to contribute to this conversation" and become non-responsive. They cannot stand not drawing a reaction, not getting attention.
LesDawsonsPiano · 70-79
@Lilnonames Do you mean that the one's I block have friends?

dancingtongue · 80-89, M
@LesDawsonsPiano They tend to travel in packs, like most bullies do.
Lilnonames · F
@dancingtongue very true
Yes, this place can be a dystopian nightmare resembling a diaspora, people interpreting a thousand emotions without knowing a person and just putting up tired memes, but there is genuine conversation found at times. It feels wrong, but it's not, be selective in who you engage like you are with your interests and what you are passionate about.
It takes a little while to find a groove here.

And you will have your inner peace tested.

But ultimately.....we make SW what we want by hiw we are amd what we put in.

Some use it to argue, troll, and spew hate and nastiness..... some are jokesters, some - very deep and poetic writers ...its an eclectic place .

Im sure youll find a comfy spot to sit and find like minds
LesDawsonsPiano · 70-79
@OogieBoogie Yes, thanks, found a few already ("like minds" that is)

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