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Blondes seem to understand logic.

So, these two engineers are trying to determine the height of a flagpole.

A blonde woman wearing a tool belt and hardhat comes walking by, notices the engineers with their problem and goes over to help. She loosens the bolts at the base of the pole, lays it down on its side, then takes her tape measure and runs it down the side of the pole.

"26 feet 6 inches" She says to the two perplexed engineers, and then walks off.
One engineer looks at the other and says, "Typical blonde. We want the height and she gives us the length!"
Convivial · 26-30, F
Easier to measure the length of the shadow and the angle of the sun....
Azlotto · M
@Convivial Thanks for your reply.
Bang5luts · M
Typical blonde move for sure. 😆
Azlotto · M
@Bang5luts Thanks for your reply.

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