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HannibalAteMeOut · 22-25, F
So you tell your partner about something that is hurting you and what she basically does is respond that she doesn't care and comtinues doing it.. People are supposed to make their partners happy, not cause them problems. That's what I'd tell your friend. Idk if it's too harsh or not but she shouldn't be a doormat. If they can't handle long distance then it's okay, they tried, but it's not for everybody.
ScarletWitch · 31-35, F
The gf has no business flirting with others. No matter how friendly she is. There are boundaries. If the other girl did it, I'm sure there would be a problem.
humidtiddies · 22-25, F
she's also letting her coworker play with her hair, and she plays with their arms, ect, and she's saying that it's because she needs the physical affection (they're long distance) personally I would say this is crossing a boundary and inappropriate 💀 I wouldn't tolerate it but I don't know how to word it without sounding mean
deadgerbil · 26-30
@humidtiddies so the girlfriend says it's not intimate but then says she needs the physical affection 🤔 imo it crosses a line regardless of what excuses the girlfriend says
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You said it right there:
You don’t have to say more. It’s really up to your friend how much of that toxic behavior she will tolerate, and how much she will allow her girlfriend making her sad. My experience dealing with such a girl is that they don’t have any boundaries and will keep it up and likely also intensify their act of cheating.
You said it right there:
[P]ersonally I would say this is crossing a boundary and inappropriate 💀 I wouldn't tolerate it
You don’t have to say more. It’s really up to your friend how much of that toxic behavior she will tolerate, and how much she will allow her girlfriend making her sad. My experience dealing with such a girl is that they don’t have any boundaries and will keep it up and likely also intensify their act of cheating.
KiwiDan · 31-35, M
Sounds like your friend needs some encouragement to stand up for herself.
It’s about boundaries. This crosses them.
pdockal · 56-60, M
What is microcheating ?????
humidtiddies · 22-25, F
@pdockal it's basically cheating but more smaller things, and usually not physical (like sex and kissing, ect)
pdockal · 56-60, M
Cheating is cheating is cheating
Cheating is cheating is cheating
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
It’s Inappropriate. For one it’s at work and two she’s in a relationship. Your friend has told her this makes her feel uncomfortable yet she keeps doing it.
You need to just say it how it is.
You need to just say it how it is.